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New co-portfolio manager for Oakmark Global Fund

New co-portfolio manager for Oakmark Global Fund


Eric Liu, co-portfolio manager of Oakmark International and Oakmark Global Select Funds and a senior investment analyst at Harris Associates LP, advisor to Oakmark Funds and an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, has been named co-portfolio manager of Oakmark Global. Fund.

Mr. Liu will join portfolio managers Tony Coniaris, David Herro, Colin Hudson and John Sitarz on the management team effective today. Eric also co-manages the Global, Global Concentrated, International and Japan institutional strategies at Harris Associates LP

Given Erics talent and experience, we welcome him to the Oakmark Global management team, said Mr. Hero. Additionally, Erics competitive drive and investment acumen are good examples of the depth of our international teams.

Mr. Liu joined Harris Associates in 2009 after serving as a research associate at Dodge & Cox and an investment banking analyst at Jefferies & Company. He is a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Chicago and is the owner of CFA.1

Additionally, Jason Long, co-portfolio manager of the Oakmark Global Fund and a senior investment analyst at Harris Associates LP will retire effective September 1, 2024.

Jason Long has been co-portfolio manager of Oakmark Global Fund since 2016. He will transition portfolio management responsibilities effective immediately and transition research responsibilities over the next several weeks.

On behalf of the entire investment team, I would like to thank Jason for all his contributions to the management of the Global Oakmark Fund. We wish him well as he enters the next chapter of his life, Mr. Herro said.

Mr. Long rejoined Harris Associates in 2011. Prior to rejoining, Jason held research positions at Security Global Investors and Carmel Capital Partners. Jason was an analyst at Harris Associates from 2004-2006. Prior to joining Harris in 2004, Jason was an analyst at Brandes Investment Partners. He is a graduate of San Diego State University and is the owner of CFA.1

The Oakmark Global Fund is a diversified fund that seeks capital appreciation by investing in mid- and large-cap companies around the world. The Funds' assets were $1.2 billion as of March 31, 2024.


Oakmark Funds is a family of mutual funds that uses a long-term value investing approach. Oakmarks' investment philosophy centers on the belief that superior long-term results can be achieved by investing in companies at a significant discount to what Harris Associates believes to be intrinsic company value, with strong growth prospects and management teams of owner oriented. Oakmark Funds' assets under management totaled approximately $59 billion as of March 31, 2024. More information about Oakmark Funds is available at

Harris Associates LP, a Chicago-based investment management firm founded in 1976, serves as advisor to Oakmark Funds. Harris Associates also manages US, international and global portfolios for institutional and high net worth investors worldwide. Including Oakmark, assets under management at Harris Associates totaled approximately $108 billion as of March 31, 2024. More information about Harris Associates is available at

Oakmark Funds are distributed by Harris Associates Securities LP Member FINRA. Before investing in any Oakmark Fund, you should carefully consider the Fund's investment objectives, risks, management fees and other expenses. This and other important information is contained in a Fund's prospectus and summary prospectus. Please read the prospectus and summary prospectus carefully before investing. For more information, please call 1-800-OAKMARK (625-6275).

1CFA and Chartered Financial Analyst are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.

The fund's portfolio tends to be invested in a relatively small number of stocks. As a result, the appreciation or depreciation of any security held by the Fund will have a greater impact on the Fund's net asset value than it would if the Fund invested in a larger number of securities. Although this strategy has the potential to generate attractive returns over time, it also increases the volatility of the funds.

Investing in foreign securities involves risks that may in some ways be greater than US investments. These risks include: currency fluctuation; different regulations, accounting standards, trade practices and levels of information available; generally higher transaction costs; and political risks.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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