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Lions celebrate a successful year of service at the 106th International Lions Convention

Lions celebrate a successful year of service at the 106th International Lions Convention


OAK BROOK, Ill., July 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Lions International celebrated several milestones during the 106th Lions International Convention in Melbourne, Australia. Nearly 10,000 Lions attended this culminating event to reconnect with Lions from around the world, discover innovative ways to grow and support clubs, and commemorate another year of service to communities in need.

from July 1, 2023through June 30, 2024, more than 390 million people were helped thanks to the unwavering commitment of more than 1.4 million Lions and Lionesses. For more, Lions Clubs International Foundationthe charitable arm of Lions Clubs International, awarded more than 45 million dollars in grant funding that supported the compassionate works of Lions, empowering their service and addressing the needs of their communities both locally and globally.

“In a world that is always in need of service and compassion, Leos and Lionesses stand up and give hope to communities with unmet needs,” said Dr. Patti Hill, 2023-2024 international president. “I'm proud to be part of an organization that continues to grow the good and prove when Lions come together, we can change the world.”

Highlights from the 106th International Lions Convention included world-class entertainment from musicians and performers, including The Elton John Experience and a Parade of Nations which celebrated the cultures and diversity of Lions and Lionesses around the world. Engaging seminars and inspiring keynotes from a panel of innovators in their field, including astronauts Chris Hadfieldocean explorer Alexandra Cousteau and tech entrepreneur Marita Chengchallenged Lions to take risks, stand up, and continue their commitment to teamwork in order to better serve a world in need.

The Lions honored the nonprofit Stephen Lewis Foundation with Lions Humanitarian Award, the association's highest honor given to an individual or organization for exemplary humanitarian efforts. In addition, the Lions celebrated the winners of Peace Poster Contest 2023-2024 AND Peace Essay Contestwhere young people aged 11-13 share their ideas for a more peaceful world.

The International Lion Convention also served as a catalyst for Lions and Lionesses to do something good during their time in Melbourne. Volunteers participated in a variety of impactful service projects, including providing nutritious meals to people in need, assembling braille books for blind and visually impaired readers, and cleaning up the Yalukit Willam Scenic Nature Reserve.

Fabrcio Oliveira, respected business professional and Catol do Rocha, Paraiba, Brazil resident, was elected as the 2024-2025 international president of Lions International. An advocate member of the Catol do Rocha Lions Club and the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), Oliveira will lead the largest membership-based humanitarian organization in the world. In this role, he will oversee global membership growth, support LCIF and inspire clubs to meet the growing needs of communities around the world through service.

“It is an honor to serve as the next president of Lions International,” said Oliveira. “As Lions, we live out our mission of service and empower future generations to join us in our unwavering commitment to goodness. As International President, I will inspire Lions and Lionesses to touch lives and make a profound difference worldwide the world.”

Find photos, registrations and more details about the 106th Lions Clubs International Convention at

About Lions International

Lions International represents Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs International Foundation. Lions take on some of the biggest challenges facing our communities and the world by serving 1.4 million members in 49,000 clubs and supporting our foundation's grants. We improve health and well-being, strengthen communities and support those in need, locally and globally. At Lions International we are serving a world in need. Learn more about who we are and what we do

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