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UN group calls for release of Pakistan's former prime minister Imran Khan; says his ban violates international law

UN group calls for release of Pakistan's former prime minister Imran Khan;  says his ban violates international law


ISLAMABAD — A United Nations human rights working group called on Monday for the immediate release of imprisoned Pakistanis former Prime Minister Imran Khansaying he had been arbitrarily arrested in violation of international law.

The Geneva-based United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention made the request after reviewing Khan's case in which he was convicted last year on corruption charges.

Khan has faced multiple prison terms since 2022 when he was ousted by a vote of no confidence in parliament. There was no immediate comment from the government Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharifwho replaced Khan after his overthrow.

Khan has been in prison since August 2023, when a court sentenced him to three years in prison after finding him guilty of concealing assets after selling state gifts. This led to Khan being banned from participating in politics and contesting the February 8 election, which his party says was rigged.

The Election Commission of Pakistan, which oversaw the vote, has denied allegations of vote rigging.

Despite his multiple convictions, Khan remains a leading figure in the opposition.

Khan's party Tehreek-e-Insaf, or PTI, which has a strong presence in parliament, welcomed the request by the UN panel, which said Khan's detention in the corruption case had no legal basis and appeared to was intended to disqualify him. from running for office. He said Khan was arrested for exercising his right to freedom of expression or opinion and that he was also denied a fair trial and due process rights.

The UN task force called for Khan's immediate release, saying it was an appropriate remedy.

The group further said that Khan's conviction in the corruption case was part of a much larger campaign of repression targeting the PTI in general and Khan in particular.

It said, in the run-up to Pakistan's February 2024 general elections, PTI candidates were arrested, tortured and intimidated into leaving the party; PTI rallies disrupted and blocked; and the party was stripped of its iconic cricket bat symbol, forcing its candidates to run as independents.”

The UN group also said Khan himself was facing over 150 politically motivated criminal cases and just days before the election, he was convicted in three more cases and sentenced to 10 years, 14 years and seven years in prison, respectively. .

For Khan, who is 71, the combined 34-year sentence is a life sentence, the group said. Khan's spokesman, Zulfi Bukhari, welcomed the groups' findings and demands for Khan's release.

Khan's party won the majority of seats in the February 8 vote, but fell short of a majority to form a government.




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