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International News | England's Six Saints squad for the match against the All Blacks

International News |  England's Six Saints squad for the match against the All Blacks


Six Northampton Saints players have been named in England's matchday squad for the first Test with New Zealand this weekend.

Gallagher Premiership Top Scorer 2023/24 Ollie Sleightholme is in line for his international debut after being named among the substitutes for Saturday's clash at Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin on Saturday (kick-off: 8.05am UK time).

Alex Mitchell, Tommy Freeman AND George Furbank retain their places in the starting division that defeated Japan two weeks ago, while Fin Smith also retains its place among substitutes.

Having featured in two of England's Six Nations games earlier this year, it is blocked Alex Coles completes Saints' strong contingent in the 23-man squad after being included on the bench.

Elsewhere, manager Steve Borthwick has brought backs Joe Marler and Will Stuart into the starting line-up, with Fin Baxter set to make his debut as a substitute while Dan Cole will win his 114th cap to equal Jason Leonard as the second man. England's largest for men. the player when he becomes familiar with the procedures.

Bath's Ben Spencer provides the alternative scrum-half option, replacing Harry Randall in the final change from the 52-17 win in Tokyo.

Borthwick said: “It doesn't get more challenging than playing New Zealand at home, but it's exactly where we want to be. We want to learn more about ourselves and test ourselves against one of the best teams in the world.

“Test rugby is a game of good margins, so our mindset will be very important on Saturday. We will have to be mentally strong, play a smart game tactically and make sure we maintain our discipline.

“The Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin is a great venue with a fast surface and the enclosed roof should make the atmosphere very special.”

Saturday July 6, 2024
Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin
Start: 08.05

15. George Furbank (Northampton Saints, 10 games)
14. Immanuel Feyi-Waboso (Exeter Chiefs, 4 games)
13. Henry Slade (Exeter Chiefs, 63 caps) – vice-captain
12. Ollie Lawrence (Bath Rugby, 25 games)
11. Tommy Freeman (Northampton Saints, 9 games)
10. Marcus Smith (Harlequins, 33 caps)
9. Alex Mitchell (Northampton Saints, 16 appearances)

1. Joe Marler (Harlequins, 94 caps) – vice-captain
2. Jamie George (Saracens, 91 caps) – captain
3. Will Stuart (Bath Rugby, 39 games)
4. Maro Itoje (Saracens, 82 appearances) – vice-captain
5. George Martin (Leicester Tigers, 13 games)
6. Chandler Cunningham-South (Harlequins, 5 games)
7. Sam Underhill (Bath Rugby, 36 games)
8. Ben Earl (Saracens, 31 caps) – vice-captain

16. Theo Dan (Saracens, 13 games)
17. Fin Baxter (Harlequins, uncapped)
18. Dan Cole (Leicester Tigers, 113 games)
19. Alex Coles (Northampton Saints, 5 games)
20. Tom Curry (Sale Sharks, 51 caps)
21. Ben Spencer (Bath Rugby, 5 games)
22. Fin Smith (Northampton Saints, 3 games)
23. Ollie Sleightholme (Northampton Saints, uncapped)

England Summer Series

  • New Zealand v England, Saturday 6 July, Forsyth Barr Stadium, kick-off 8.05am BST (Sky Sports)
  • New Zealand v England, Saturday 13 July, Eden Park, kick-off 8.05am BST (Sky Sports)




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