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Hurricane Beryl downgrades to Category 4 as it strengthens toward JamaicaExBulletin

Hurricane Beryl downgrades to Category 4 as it strengthens toward JamaicaExBulletin


Fishermen pull a boat damaged by Hurricane Beryl at the dock at Bridgetown Fisheries in Barbados on Monday, July 1.

Fishermen pull a boat damaged by Hurricane Beryl at the dock at Bridgetown Fisheries in Barbados on Monday.

Ricardo Mazalan/AP

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Ricardo Mazalan/AP

Hurricane Beryl continues to churn through the Caribbean and is expected to pass near or directly over Jamaica on Wednesday.

The once-powerful storm was downgraded to a Category 4 storm Tuesday afternoon with winds of 155 mph, just 2 mph away from returning to former category 5 status.

Beryl has already caused extensive damage to several Caribbean island nations and left at least two people dead as it swept through the region earlier this week.

The National Hurricane Center warns of life-threatening winds and thunderstorms in Jamaica for Wednesday. A hurricane warning is in effect for Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.

I am encouraging all Jamaicans to take the hurricane as a serious threat, said Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness. in a video message Monday. However, it is not time to panic. It is time for us to be very strategic and calculated in our approach. We have 48 hours to prepare.

All of Jamaica remained under a hurricane warning Tuesday, meaning meteorologists expect hurricane conditions to occur in the area and preparations to protect life and property must be completed quickly, the National Hurricane Center said. said.

A chart from the National Hurricane Center shows the projected path of Hurricane Beryl.

A chart from the National Hurricane Center shows the projected path of Hurricane Beryl.

National Hurricane Center

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National Hurricane Center

The island is expected to see hurricane-force winds and four to eight inches of rain, with some local rainfall of up to a foot. A storm surge could raise water levels up to five to eight feet along the Jamaican coast.

Beryl may have reached peak intensity, but she remains dangerous

said National Hurricane Center Director Michael Brennan in a video conference Tuesday morning people in Jamaica should prepare for multiple life-threatening hazards from Beryl.

Dangerous winds in the core of a major hurricane, life-threatening storm surges, life-threatening flash flooding from heavy rainfall, he said.

Brennan said forecasters believe Beryl may have reached its maximum intensity, with data showing its central pressure had increased and peak winds had decreased slightly. However, he predicted it would be a powerful hurricane as it continues to move through the Caribbean.

Hurricane watches were in effect for Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, Cayman Brac and parts of the southern coast of Haiti. Other parts of the coast of Haiti, as well as parts of the southern coast of the Dominican Republic, were under a tropical storm warning.

The storm has left traces of damage

Beryl left a trail of destruction in several places in the eastern Caribbean Sea, including Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada. Images showed shattered buildings, downed trees and boats thrown into harbors.

On Tuesday morning after Beryl had died, Grenada Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell said the nation was grappling with the reality of the devastation caused by the storm, particularly on the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique. He said at least two deaths had been reported beforehand.

The situation is grim, Mitchell said after speaking with a local official on the islands. There is no power. There is almost complete destruction of houses and buildings on the island. The roads are impassable and in many cases they are interrupted due to the large amount of garbage scattered on the roads.

It is unusual for an Atlantic hurricane of Beryls magnitude to occur this early in the season. When it upgraded to a Category 4 storm over the weekend, it was the first recorded hurricane of that strength in June.

Climate change is making powerful storms more common. Warmer ocean temperatures caused by climate change are helping to drive what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted. unusually intense hurricane season in the Atlantic this year, with forecasters expecting 17 to 25 named storms.




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