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Bill against money laundering and other matters

Bill against money laundering and other matters


1. The Bill Against Money Laundering and other Issues was introduced today in the Assembly for First Reading.


2. The Government regularly reviews our laws to ensure they remain effective against the evolving crime landscape. The bill against money laundering and other matters requires:

(a) Enhancing the ability of our law enforcement agencies (LEAs) to track and prosecute money laundering (ML) offences;

(b) Clarify and improve our processes for dealing with seized or restricted property associated with suspected criminal activity; AND

(c) Align our Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) framework for casino operators with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards.[1]

The main changes

Increasing the ability of LAGs to pursue and prosecute the criminal offenses of PP

Increasing leverage for criminal prosecution of PP cases arising from criminal behavior abroad

3. Currently, in order to prosecute PP offences, the Prosecution must show that the money allegedly laundered in Singapore is proceeds directly linked to specific criminal conduct. In cases where the criminal conduct is committed outside of Singapore, the authorities are required to show the full money trail from the time the crime is committed overseas to the point when the money is deposited with the money launderer.

4. In many cases, LGUs face challenges in obtaining the necessary evidence from victims, subjects and foreign authorities. This is particularly true if criminal proceeds had flowed through multiple jurisdictions before entering Singapore. Please see the Annex for an illustrative example.

5. The Bill will amend the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Profits) Act (CDSA) so that the Prosecution cannot show the direct link between criminal conduct and money allegedly laundered in Singapore. It will be sufficient for the Prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the money launderer knew or had reasonable grounds to believe that he was dealing with criminal proceeds. This will facilitate the prosecution of money mules in cases where laundered money has passed through bank accounts and intermediaries in foreign jurisdictions before entering Singapore.

Define foreign environmental crimes as primary criminal offenses of PP

6. Currently, LEAs are only able to investigate PP offenses arising from the commission of an offense outside Singapore if the foreign offense is also a serious offense under the laws of Singapore. As environmental offenses such as illegal mining, illegal waste trafficking or illegal logging do not apply in our domestic context, they are not recognized as serious offenses in Singapore, thus limiting our ability to investigate PP related offences. such.

7. The draft law will introduce a third plan in the CDSA, defining serious foreign environmental crimes as the main offenses of the PP. This will allow LAAs to investigate PP violations if it is suspected that money in Singapore is derived from such crimes committed overseas.

Enable cross-agency data sharing to improve detection of ML, TF and PF

8. The draft law will bring changes in the income tax law; Law on Goods and Services Tax; Law on Regulation of Imports and Exports; and the Law on Free Trade Zones; to increase the ability of authorities to detect PP, TF and PF.[2]

9. The changes will allow government agencies, namely the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore and Singapore Customs, to share tax data and trade data with Singapore's Financial Intelligence Unit, Suspicious Transaction Reporting Office (STRO) respectively ) of the Department of Commercial Affairs of Singapore Police Force. Changes will also be made to the CDSA to allow AML/CFT regulators, such as the Wealth Agencies Council and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, to access suspicious transaction reports submitted by their respective regulated entities .

10. The sharing of such data will enable the STRO to augment its analysis of ML, TF and FF risks and provide richer intelligence to LGUs and government regulators on AML/CFT. Regulators will also have a better insight into existing and emerging AML/CFT risks and trends related to their sectors and will be able to take AML/CFT supervisory and regulatory action earlier and in more effective way.

Clarifying and improving processes for dealing with seized or restricted property linked to suspected criminal activity

Allow sale of foreclosed or restricted property

11. Currently, when seized or restricted property is no longer required for investigation or litigation, LCAs must obtain the consent of all parties involved if they want to obtain a court order to sell the property. LGUs may wish to do this to avoid further maintenance and management costs, and/or further depreciation of the property's value, pending the conclusion of the case and the Court's decision to dispose of the property. If there is no consensus between the parties, the LGUs must continue to manage and maintain the property. Substantial costs are incurred by authorities to maintain and manage certain types of property under seizure or restriction, such as vehicles, ships and livestock. The value of these properties may also depreciate over time, thereby affecting the realizable value of the seized or restricted assets.

12. The Bill will amend the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) and the CDSA to allow the Court to order the sale of seized or restricted property linked to suspected criminal activity, where the Police or Public Prosecutor apply for the sale of the property, and:

(a) All parties agree to the sale;

(b) The value of the property is likely to depreciate, or unnecessary expenses are involved in the maintenance of the property; OR

(c) The sale would be in the interests of justice.

13. The changes will allow LGUs to reduce the cost of property maintenance and preserve the value of seized or restricted property, to improve subsequent asset recovery and victim restitution.

Deal with seized property associated with suspects who have fled

14. During investigations, LAAs may seize property associated with persons suspected of having committed offenses under the laws of Singapore who cannot be found (eg have left the country). Investigations can be deliberately stopped by such fugitives if they decide not to cooperate with investigations.

15. Current processes for dealing with seized property linked to fugitives are unclear and the KPP is silent on the matter. The proposed changes will provide for the following:

(a) When LGUs apply to the Court for continued confiscation of property, the Court shall not dispose of the property if it is satisfied that there are ongoing investigations into the fugitive; AND

(b) A fugitive shall be required to appear in person at the LCA for investigation before he may make a claim for seized property.

16. Taken together, these amendments will prevent the early release of seized property while investigations are ongoing and will avoid a situation where a fugitive avoids investigation by remaining outside Singapore and makes a successful claim for the properties seized because the investigations have not been carried out. able to continue.

Align the AML/CFT framework for casino operators with FATF standards

17. The Bill will also amend the Casino Control Act to tighten the requirements for casino operators to carry out customer due diligence (CDD) checks to detect and prevent PP/TF/PF.

18. Casino operators are currently required to perform CDD checks on customers when the casino operator enters into a single cash transaction involving $10,000 or more, or receives S$5,000 or more in a single cash transaction. only to be deposited into a deposit account.

19. To align our processes with FATF standards, the changes will require casino operators to also consider PF risks when conducting CDD checks. The Gaming Regulatory Authority of Singapore will be empowered to issue regulations requiring casino operators to detect or prevent PF. Additionally, the amount for when CDD checks are required will be reduced to cover cash transactions or deposits involving S$4,000 or more.

[1] The FATF is an intergovernmental body that develops international standards to combat ML, terrorist financing (TF) and proliferation financing (PF). Singapore is a member of the FATF.

[2] “Proliferation financing” refers to the act of providing funds or financial services for the illicit development and supply of weapons of mass destruction and related materials. In the FATF, proliferation financing risks refer to the potential violation, non-implementation or evasion of targeted financial sanctions obligations imposed by relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.


1. Illustrative example of the current approach to the prosecution of PP cases arising from criminal conduct abroad (PDF, 97KB)




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