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The world's oldest cave painting is at least 51,200 years old, scientists say


An Indonesian cave painting is the world's oldest such work of art, dating back at least 51,200 years, according to an international team of researchers who say its narrative scene also makes it the world's oldest known evidence. of the story in art.

While it is unclear exactly what the painting depicts, it is most likely that it shows three small human-bird hybrids surrounding a massive wild boar that they were probably hunting, said Renaud Joannes-Boyau, co-author of The study was published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

It is that story that has amazed scientists.

This is something new, something very important, something that happened much older than we thought, said Joannes-Boyau, who is also a professor at Southern Cross University in Lismore, Australia.

The painting samples were taken in 2017 from Leang Karampuang Cave on the island of Sulawesi in eastern Indonesia.

But it wasn't until now that a team of Indonesian and Australian researchers deployed a new dating technique that revealed the painting was thousands of years older than the previous record holder, which is also located in Sulawesi in another cave about 6 miles away.

Representation of human figures is now extremely rare, Joannes-Boyau said. But the 51,200-year-old storytelling is even more incredible.

Among the hundreds of caves in Sulawesi are some of the oldest cave paintings in the world. The unique conservation abilities of the island, which is home to 20 million people, lie in its weather and topography, scientists say.

The previous record holder, also a painting of a wild boar depicting a narrative scene, was created at least 45,500 years ago and was found in a cave called Leang Tedongnge.

As water flows through cave walls, it deposits a layer of a mineral called calcite. The calcite layers not only protect the paintings, but can also be used to determine their age.

But the layers are usually uneven, often resembling popcorn, Joannes-Boyau said, making it difficult to use previous dating techniques that involve taking a sample and averaging the ages of all the layers.

You get lumps. You have places where you have more calcium and places where you have less calcium, he said. This makes it very complicated to date.

This time, the team deployed a uranium-based dating technique in which a laser beam one-third the size of a human hair shines on a much smaller sample of calcite.

We can calculate the ages in the layer that is really against the paint, Joannes-Boyau said.

The new method is not only more efficient, but also much more accurate and causes less damage to the original artifact, the researchers said in the study. Scientists used the same technique to re-evaluate another painting from Sulawesi, revising its age to be at least 48,000 years old, 4,000 years older than originally thought.

It opens up a lot of opportunities, Joannes-Boyau said.

It also raises new questions about what human ancestors were capable of thousands of years ago. While the true purpose and meaning of the paintings remains a mystery, he said clues could be found from its location, in a cave that was not easily accessible.

They were not shared living spaces. This is actually a place where you have to go for a purpose and maybe it is connected to some kind of ceremony, he said.

The discovery was a very humbling moment for the researchers, he said, adding, it is the history of humanity as a group.

It's not about our differences, it's about all of us being on that stage, he said.




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