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Pro-Palestinian protesters breach security in Australia's Parliament House


MELBOURNE, Australia — Pro-Palestinian protesters breached security at Australia's Parliament House to unfurl banners from the roof on Thursday as a senator quit the government over its handling of the war in Gaza.

Tensions over Israel's war against Hamas dominated the last session of Parliament a day before a five-week recess.

The four protesters were arrested after plastering the words “war crime” and genocide as well as Palestinian rallying cries from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free for more than an hour on the facade of the buildings known as the Great Veranda.

Inside the building, Afghan-born Senator Fatima Payman, the only Australian federal lawmaker ever to wear a hijab during sessions, announced she was quitting the ruling Labor Party over its refusal to toe the party line on Gaza.

“My family didn't flee a war-torn country to come here as refugees so I can stay silent when I see atrocities being committed against innocent people,” Payman told reporters.

Witnessing the indifference of our governments to the greatest injustice of our time makes me question the direction the party is taking, she added.

The first-term senator defied her government colleagues last week by supporting a minor party motion calling for the Senate to “recognize the state of Palestine.

Australia does not recognize a Palestinian state. The government is committed to a two-state solution in which Israel and a future Palestinian state can coexist, in peace and security, within internationally recognized borders, the policy says.

Payman will remain in the Senate as an independent lawmaker. She is the first government deputy to leave since the election of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's administration in 2022.

Police said the four protesters were expected to be charged with trespassing.

They have been banned from Parliament for two years, a police statement said.

Protesters caused a security crackdown on the Parliament building that prevented many members of the public from entering the building. The public galleries of the House of Representatives and the Senate were kept empty as a precaution.

House Speaker Milton Dick said he was deeply concerned by the protests and had ordered an increase in security. Police were investigating how the protesters reached a safe zone.

Albanese told the Parliament that she condemned the protest.

Peaceful protest has an important place in our society, but this was not a peaceful protest, Albanese said.

These actions have done absolutely nothing to advance any cause. Indeed, they have hurt the cause that those engaged in this reckless activity believe they are advancing, Albanese added.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton demanded to know who allowed the protesters into the building and described their message as anti-Semitic.

We need to understand the gravity of this situation because these images will be spread around the world, Dutton said in Parliament.




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