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Rtisseurs International Young Chefs Competition – News Online


Vilja Valliranta represented the Bailliage of Finland at the 2021 international final held in Paris, France.

She is currently a chef at Ravintola (Restaurant) Roster, an atmospheric bistro near Turku Cathedral that serves the flavors of the world. Roster is part of KKS Restaurants owned by Grand Officier Maître Rôtisseur Kari “Kape” Aihinen – who was featured in the 2021 edition of the international magazine Chaîne – and Maître Rôtisseur Olli Kolu.

These are the questions posed along with their answers:

Did you always know you wanted to work in the hospitality industry?
Since I was 13. I've always loved food, but then I started cooking myself. I got a little sidetracked when some people wanted me to have an academic career. After a while I decided to do what I really wanted. I had no second thoughts.

Where does your love for the culinary arts come from?
From the great experiences I have had in my life and my willingness to learn new things every day.

What inspires your culinary creativity?
Almost anything can inspire me. I think the biggest inspiration for me is nature itself. I love how close nature is here in Finland and foraging is one of my favorite things to do. Changing seasons and seasonal products are also a great source of inspiration.

What do you think are the most important trends or challenges facing the industry today?
I think the biggest challenge in any industry right now is the climate crisis and how are we going to adapt to that. Vegan food and sustainability has become a huge trend and I think this will be a factor from now on. People are more aware and I think it's good that our industry is developing. We want to be part of the solution.

Figures show that female chefs leave the industry much faster than men. Why do you think this is happening?
I think there is more than one answer to this question. I have been fortunate to have strong female figures to work with throughout my career. I think there are still some prejudices against women which I think can create a lot of pressure. Characteristics usually associated with men are valued more in this industry, as there is only one way to be a good chef. Underestimation, prejudice and pressure can be some of the things why this is happening.

What advice would you offer to young women wanting to start a culinary career today?
Your gender is never a good reason to doubt yourself or not do something. If you think something is wrong, say so.

Has participating in the International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs along with continuing membership of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs helped you in your career?
Due to the pandemic I have not yet been able to attend any Chaîne events. However, I met new people from our association and made connections, for example from Portugal. This may be useful for me in the future.

What do you think is the future of the food/restaurant business over the next five years?
The pandemic has taught us a lot and we have had to find new ways to practice our craft. Cooking and eating has become closer to the customer. Also climate change will affect us every year and more and we must adapt to it. People still need to eat and everyone wants to enjoy themselves and I hope the appreciation of our industry will grow.

How do you see the development of your career during this period?
I think I would like to study more at some point, maybe in the next five years. Time will tell how my career will develop, but I know I want to stay in this industry.




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