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News – International Alumni Career Discussion (Mandarin Edition)

News – International Alumni Career Discussion (Mandarin Edition)
News – International Alumni Career Discussion (Mandarin Edition)


Tohoku University's Global Engagement Division (Alumni Network) and Career Support Center held an online event on June 21 to share tips and advice on how international students and recent graduates can look for work and develop a career in Japan.

Hosted by the Center's Wang Jie, the Mandarin-language event attracted approximately 20 students and recent graduates and featured presentations by three distinguished members of the Taiwan Alumni Association, who shared anecdotes from their academic journey and career pursuits. their current

Justin Chen, who received his Master of Laws degree from Tohoku University in 2005, spoke about his work as a lawyer, providing legal and tax services for Japan-Taiwan cross-border investment and corporate mergers, as well as assistance with visa applications. residency and other immigration services.

He said that when he first came to Japan, he made it a point to immerse himself in the local community, despite not being fluent in Japanese. “I saw it as a valuable opportunity to learn and understand Japanese culture and mentality.” He also described the university's large international student population as a valuable network. “In addition to students from Taiwan, there are also many students from other countries, and in this environment, we can learn about the cultures and perspectives of people from all over the world. And this is a very valuable experience.”

Yu-Ching Lin, who did research on micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) at Tohoku University, is currently the CEO of NextQM Inc.

She described three types of long-term career paths – one is to follow a professional field and become an expert or specialist, another is to diversify by exploring new fields, and the third is to develop entirely new interests and change fields entirely. “If you're not sure what you want to do, you can try different things to explore your field,” she said. “You can also analyze your personal strengths and interests and compare them to what you are currently doing. I believe that things are not always immediately clear, but trying and doing more will definitely pay off for your future.”

Using her own career as an example, Lin said her journey has been about connecting her various experiences and turning them into a well-rounded career. “I have divided my career into three main parts: technical depth and breadth, different areas to increase value and international experience. I believe that maintaining core technical skills, leaving a legacy before moving on, and constantly expanding knowledge and my experience are crucial for a successful career”.

Kou Mei Kin graduated from Tohoku University in 2007 with a Master's degree in Japanese Literature. She currently works at the Sendai City Industrial Promotion Organization, which assists local SMEs with entrepreneurship support, talent recruitment, and industry-academia collaboration.

“Japan has an aging population and with many young graduates preferring to work in big cities like Tokyo or Osaka, it can be challenging for some local companies to retain talent. So there is a growing interest in recruiting talent. from outside.”

Kou's company organizes exchange events and seminars between companies in Sendai and overseas universities; and runs a website called Job dies. “My department specifically focuses on talent recruitment and training, so international students who are considering staying in Japan are welcome to visit us for free entrepreneurship consultation or job search assistance.”

The two-hour event concluded with a lively Q&A session and, as with all alumni gatherings, there was a serving of nostalgia as attendees shared memories and spoke of lifelong friendships made during their student days at Tohoku University. .

The Taiwan Alumni Association is part of the Tohoku University Alumni Network, which organizes online and in-person activities throughout the year. The network is open to all graduates as well as current members of the university. It's free to join via the link below.


Tohoku University Global Engagement Division




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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