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Summary of national and international news – March 23, 2020 – Mimi Mefo Info


Verbal exchange between the Cameroonian government and the family of Achille Essome Moukouri on the cause of his death. While the family of the deceased insists that he died of the coronavirus, the director of the Douala Laquintinie hospital says that he died of another illness. In praise of his father, Moukouri’s son calls on the public to adopt more responsible behavior in the face of the pandemic. The deceased was buried shortly after his death. Government officials say he died of diabetes. It will be the first death by coronavirus in Cameroon after 56 reported cases.

Mimi Mefo Info collected testimonies from passengers who paid or were forced to pay security guards to avoid being watched at the airport after landing. Most of the passengers arrived at Doula airport from France a few days ago and had to pay up to one million FCFA (around 1,700 dollars). “We had to stay at the hotel, undergo a check-up and be isolated for 14 days as prescribed by the government, but you could be allowed to go if you pay the police a million francs,” said a source. Many passengers were also released after paying a similar amount.

The Cameroonian Minister of Social Affairs called on the parents to stop sending children to the hawk in town during this period. Pauline Irene Ngene says that closing schools allows children to stay at home and avoid getting the coronavirus.

The number of coronavirus cases has increased to 56 in Cameroon. Sixteen new cases were registered today as follows: nine in Douala, six in Yaoundé and 1 in Bafoussam. The Minister of Public Health calls on Cameroonians to take serious preventive measures.

The leader of the Cameroon People’s Party (CPP) said that the previous government would close the country to fight the coronavirus as best as possible. Edith Kah Wallah says she has confined herself to teaching others by example.

As part of the measures to contain the coronavirus, the Cameroonian Minister of Health called on all health personnel currently being integrated to present themselves to “any regional public health delegation of their choice”. They should be fully integrated to participate in the fight against the virus.

The Cameroonian Minister of Tourism and Leisure has announced that the first edition of the Festival des Saveurs du Cameroun et du Monde, scheduled for March 25 to 27, 2020 at the Palais des Congrès in Yaoundé has been postponed to a later date. This, said the minister, is due to the coronavirus pandemic. The country currently has 56 cases officially.

COVID-19: Discipline saved China, Indiscipline drowned Europe, but unconsciousness will eradicate Africa … Let us be responsible! “, Writes the former Minister of Public Works of Cameroon – Patrice Amba Salla. It is estimated that Africa already has more than 1,000 cases of the virus and several deaths.

The head of the MRC, Maurice Kamto, led a campaign for the creation of the COVID-19 commission. “This commission must be chaired by the interim president of the republic and not by a third party,” he said. The politician also suggested that “measures be taken to support economic operators as well as households whose activities will be affected by the measures taken by the government”.

Cameroon could proceed to a total lockout of one month from Wednesday March 24, 2020 until April 25, 2020, as part of its measures to combat the coronavirus. According to sources in Yaoundé, the conclusion was reached after a crucial crisis meeting between the Minister of Public Health and the Prime Minister, head of government in Yaoundé, on March 23, 2020. The same source estimates that the citizens will be put in quarantine in their homes where only law enforcement patrols will be allowed in the neighborhoods to ensure strict compliance. Patient movement and other emergencies will be allowed.

Commercial motorcyclists and taxi drivers in the South Ebolowa region of Cameroon have refused to comply with preventive measures taken by the central government to curb the spread of the coronavirus across the country. They continued to overload despite government restrictions to that effect. They say that respecting government measures will stop them from operating. They believe that high fuel prices and multiple police checkpoints in the region will have a negative effect on their profit margin.

The senior division officer of the Mefou and Afamba division of the Center region of Cameroon sanctioned certain bars and bars in Mfou and the rest of the division for failing to comply with the measures taken by the government, in as part of efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus in Cameroon. In a document released on Monday, March 23, 2020, the SDO said that the Sun City snack bar and others were operating after the government-set 6:00 pm closing time. As a result, they were prohibited from operating for a minimum of five days.

President Paul Biya has created a commission to monitor the implementation of the recommendations of the major national dialogue that took place between September and October 2019. The commission was placed under the auspices of Prime Minister Dion Ngute Joseph. Independence activists called Biya’s peace talks a sham.

A gang member of four reportedly killed a uniformed officer on the night of March 20, 2020 in Bafoussam, in the western region. Police officer Laurent Kumbe was said to have spoken with a neighbor at the neighbour’s home when the four gang members launched their attack. The assailants then removed the policeman from a bed where he had taken refuge and killed him. The reason for their action remains unknown.

Fabrice Lena of the Political Party of Popular Actions (PAP) is expected at the State Secretariat for Defense (SED) on Tuesday March 24, 2020 for questioning. Speaking to Mimi Mefo info, the national secretary of communications for the Popular Actions political party said he knew why he had been summoned to the SED, but promised to maintain his position for truth and justice.

The South African president has announced a three-week lockout to fight the coronavirus. While all stores and businesses except those providing essential services will be closed, temporary shelters will be set up for the homeless. Only medical and security personnel will be exempt from the lockout. There are currently 402 cases in the country, which is a six-fold increase from just eight days ago, the president said in a live TV address.

Zimbabwean radio and television producer and host Zororo Makamba is the first to die from a coronavirus in the country. Zororo was the second person to test positive for coronavirus in Zimbabwe.

UN Secretary General Antonia Guterres has called for a global ceasefire to focus on the fight against the coronavirus. He launched an appeal today to the belligerent parties, declaring that the cease-fire would allow humanitarian workers to reach the populations most vulnerable to the spread of the virus.

A former Minister of Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was sentenced to five years of forced labor for stealing more than $ 400,000 (350,000) from funds to fight the Ebola epidemic. Oly Ilunga and his financial advisor have been found guilty of counterfeiting tens of thousands of dollars in receipts from a fake business that were used to justify purchases of products already paid for by international donors.

Kenya has registered another case of coronavirus, bringing the total number in the country to 16. More than 500 people are followed after being in contact with the 16 patients.

The President of Tunisia ordered troops to take to the streets to impose a strict lockdown in response to the coronavirus. President Kais Saied said people should only leave their homes to buy basic necessities. Jordan and Lebanon have also mobilized the military to force people to stay at home.

Ethiopia closed its borders after the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus increased to 11. This is the latest measure announced by the office of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmeds in an effort to fight the virus. The military would ensure that vehicles do not cross the border, except those transporting goods. Security forces are also reported to be enforcing the ban on large rallies announced earlier.

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