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Drivers who skipped fatal crash over M60 weekend will be prosecuted


More than 30 drivers who used the hard shoulder to bypass a fatal accident on the M60 Friday February 28 will be prosecuted.

It is according to police officers who say that some motorists, who illegally used the hard shoulder to bypass traffic after a fatal collision, were caught by the camera.

The traffic was the result of the crash of a silver BMW in a freeway maintenance vehicle parked on the freeway.

Two air ambulances landed at the scene but were unable to prevent the death of an eight-year-old boy who died in the accident.

A woman traveling in the highway maintenance vehicle was slightly injured, according to MEN.

The driver of the BMW, a man in his thirties, was arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving and driving under the influence of alcohol. intoxication.

He was released on bail pending further investigation.

The highway was closed for several hours at exit 23 near Tameside and drivers were seen using the hard shoulder to avoid traffic following a fatal accident on the M60, they will be prosecuted, police said.

Police collected video evidence from 34 drivers who ignored the road closures.

They will be sent charges by mail, according to Northwest Highway Police.

In a Facebook article, northwest highway police said: "We have had several complaints about drivers using the M60 hard shoulder at the scene of the fatal collision last week.

"To keep you informed, we obtained video evidence from 34 drivers who ignored the closings.

"They will receive letters in the mail! They will be notices of prosecution."

Police are calling for witnesses after the accident.

Sergeant Matthew Picton, of the GMP Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said: We are continuing to investigate the circumstances of this horrific incident, in which a young boy sadly lost my life.

We are glad that the other child's injuries weren't as serious as we thought and he was released from the hospital.

Our thoughts remain with the people affected by this terrible incident.

We continue to request information after the collision and we ask anyone with information to contact our agents.

Contact the police on 0161 856 4741 citing incident 1591 of 02/28/2020 or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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