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Taiwan doubles criticism of viruses as China denounces “disgusting” behavior


TAIPEI (Reuters) – Taiwan doubled its criticism of China’s handling of the coronavirus crisis on Wednesday, saying the Communist Party cared more about power than its own people, while Beijing described Taipei’s cover-up allegations as a slander.

FILE PHOTO: Passenger takes photos of flight information panel as Taiwanese government announces ban on most foreigners from entering the island as part of preventive measures against coronavirus disease (COVID -19), at Taoyuan International Airport in Taoyuan, Taiwan, March 18, 2020. REUTERS / Ann Wang / File Photo

The epidemic has aggravated the enmity between Taiwan and China, which considers the democratic island as its sacred territory, to be brought under its control by force if necessary.

The Taiwan government says China has intentionally obstructed efforts to obtain virus information directly from the World Health Organization. China is blocking Taiwan’s membership of WHO because it considers the island to be one of its provinces.

Taiwan has also been irritated by the intensification of Chinese military exercises near the island in recent weeks.

Taiwanese Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang on Tuesday accused China of covering the crisis in its early stages and of failing to warn the world early enough.

On Wednesday, Cho Jung-tai, chairman of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), reiterated the cover-up charge, adding that China had deceived the WHO.

“From the start of the epidemic at the end of last year, China has concealed it and manipulated the WHO to pretend that everything is fine,” Cho said at a party meeting, according to a communicated.

“The approach of the Chinese Communist Party regime of maintaining stability and neglecting people’s lives and health has caused the epidemic to spread, and severely damaged the carefully conceived image of China as a great power. “, he added.

China firmly denied hiding the epidemic and said it would guarantee the island the information it needed to fight the virus. WHO also praised China’s response to the epidemic.

In a statement released on Tuesday evening, the Chinese office of political affairs in Taiwan said that it was “slanderous” for Taiwan to suggest that there was a cover-up and that China had sent Taiwan 101 notifications to date, including understood information about its sharing of the virus genome sequences with the WHO.

“Using the epidemic to fuel clashes between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait at a time when the Taiwan epidemic is picking up is immodest and disgusting,” spokeswoman Zhu Fenglian said in remarks by the official Xinhua news agency.

Taiwan quickly stepped up controls and closed its borders to most Chinese visitors at the start of the epidemic, but in the past week has seen an increase in the number of return cases of infected people from abroad, especially from Europe and the United States.

Taiwan now has 235 cases, although this is still far less than the more than 80,000 cases recorded in China.

Ben Blanchard report; edited by Philippa Fletcher

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