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Kenyan police under ‘excessive force’ fire as curfew begins | New


Human rights groups condemned “unnecessary and excessive use of force” by Kenyan police as the country imposed a curfew from dusk to dawn amid efforts to slow the spread of the new coronavirus.

Police on Friday fired tear gas at a crowd of ferry commuters in the port city of Mombasa before the curfew came into effect from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m., 20 human rights groups said. , including Amnesty International, in a press release. declaration the Saturday.


This has forced hundreds of people to touch their faces as they vomit, spit and wipe tears, increasing the risk of the virus spreading, the statement added.

Some health workers evensaid they were intimidated by police while trying to provide services after curfew, according to advocacy groups.

Elsewhere, police were caught on cell phone images, beating people with batons, causing an uproar in the country.

“We continue to receive testimony from victims, eyewitnesses and video footage showing police officers joyfully assaulting members of the public in other parts of the country,” said advocacy groups.

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The Kenyan Interior Ministry responded to criticism in a statement on Saturday saying the curfew “is intended to protect against an apparent threat to public health. Breaking it is not only irresponsible but also puts others in danger”.

The guidelines issued to the security forces on the curfew state that the police may use “proportionate force when nonviolent means are insufficient to achieve the objectives of the curfew”.

The government has not specified the number of people arrested. Because the courts are also affected by virus prevention measures, all cases, except serious ones, will now be dealt with at police stations, the government said.

This means that anyone detained for violating the curfew risks spending time in overcrowded cells.

Kenya has so far confirmed 38 cases of the new coronavirus, which causes a highly infectious respiratory disease called COVID-19. The country has taken a series of measures to stop its spread, including closing the borders and banning most air travel.

The Law Society of Kenya will go to court to challenge the curfew on the grounds that it is “unconstitutional” and has been abused by the police, President Nelson Havi said in a statement.

The penalty for breaking a curfew is not corporal punishment, he added.

“It is obvious that COVID-19 will be more common by police actions than by those who allegedly violated the curfew,” said Havi.

Additional reporting by Pauline Mpungu in Nairobi

Al Jazeera and news agencies

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