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India extends $ 250 million attached financial assistance to Maldives


NEW DELHI: India on Sunday provided $ 250 million in unsecured financial assistance as budget support to the Maldives to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The $ 250 million budget support was a response to President Solih’s request to Prime Minister Modi for financial assistance to overcome the difficult economic situation in the Maldives. It is being provided under the most favorable conditions possible for the Maldives, officials told ET.

A handover ceremony was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Maldives to mark the occasion in the presence of Foreign Minister Abdullah Shahid, Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer, High Commissioner Sunjay Sudhir and CEO, SBI, Male Bharat Mishra.

The financial aid was first announced during a virtual meeting between Dr. S. Jaishankar and was given through a sale of Treasury Bills to the State Bank of India (SBI), Male which has a 10 year repayment term.

The $ 250 million budget support extends unconditionally; the Maldives government is free to use the money to adjust the domestic economic situation according to its own priorities. Second, financial assistance is being directed through the SBI, Male so as not to reflect on Maldives foreign borrowing, officials informed. India has given a sovereign guarantee to the SBI for this financial assistance.

The $ 250 million soft loan has a comfortable tenor of 10 years and a very low interest rate. Since the principal payment will be paid only at the end of 10 years, it will not impose any immediate debt service obligation other than the two-year interest payment. The Maldives is the only country in which India has provided such assistance, officials informed.

The $ 250 million budget support shows the sustainability and credibility of the India-Maldives relationship. India’s first neighborhood policy and Maldives India’s first policy.

India had provided substantial and ongoing assistance to the Maldives during the COVID-19 pandemic. A team of doctors and specialists visited the Maldives in Mars to help prepare for COVID, a shipment of 5.5 tonnes of essential medicines was donated in April, another shipment of 6.2 tonnes of medicines were transferred from 4 Indian cities to men by the Indian Air Force, and , 580 tonnes of food aid, including food grains, onions, etc. were donated to people in the Maldives in May. Moreover, India has consistently lifted export restrictions on medical consumables, respirators and test kits and reagents throughout the pandemic to assist the Maldives in its battle against COVID-19. India also maintained supply of essential goods to the Maldives, despite global trade disruptions.

500 Maldives in 8 groups of Maldivian patients traveled to India in recent weeks. At the request of the Maldives Government, India will also send doctors and nurses recruited on short-term contracts to strengthen the health system in the Maldives in the battle against COVID-19. The India-Maldives partnership is unique and the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted this.

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