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Navratri 2020: Time in Puja, top ten and food!


Navratri is near the corner and that time of year when the festive heat can be felt any! This year Shardiya Navratri is starting from 17 October 2020 and the celebration will continue until 25 October 2020.

Undoubtedly, the pandemic scare has changed the dynamics of life, but in the midst of all this goddess Durga brings with it a ray of hope for worshipers to survive the wrath of the Coronavirus virus pandemic.

Despite the difficult times, the festive zeal can be felt disguised behind the rules of social distance, while believers leave no stone unturned to fall in love with their love for the Goddess Durga and seek her blessings! From Puja Tithi to Vrat vidhi and food to offer like an ass, here are all you need to know before you start with Navratri celebrations.

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Navratri Vrat Vidhi and Tithi

Navratri is a 9 day long festival where 9 Goddess Durga avatars are worshiped following some rituals and puja. Navratri begins with the puppet avatar of the Goddess Durgas Shailaputri followed by all the incarnations of Shakti such as Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Mahagauri and Sidhidatri.

According to Hindu mythology, every almighty Shakti avatar has different powers and to seek their blessings, following rituals properly is essential. Here is an elaborate plan of Puja tithi, muhurat, vidhi and foods that can be offered as prasad during the 9-day celebration.

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Day 1:

On the first day of Navratri, muhurat for Ghatasthapana starts at 06:23 until 10:12 and continues until 11:43 until 12:29 in the afternoon.

On this day, the avatar of the Goddess Durgas Shailputri is worshiped. According to Hindu mythology, the Avtar Shilaputri is an incarnation of the goddess Parvati. She is also worshiped as the wife of Lord Shivas Mahakali. It is believed that the worship of the Goddess Shilaputri can bring prosperity and can remove the evil effect of the moon. It is believed that offering jasmine flowers to the gods can bring good luck and fulfill desires.

Bhoga: It is believed that offering Cow Ghee on this day as a Bhog can bring good luck and good health.


Day 2:

The 2nd day of Navratri is dedicated to the Goddess Brahmacharini. According to religious beliefs, the worship of Goddess Durga’s Brahmacharini avatar brings peace and prosperity. It is believed that Lord Mangal is ruled by the Brahmacharini avatar of Goddess Durga.

On this day, fasting has its significance as it was believed that Goddess Brahmacharini spent 1000 years on the flower and fruit diet and another 100 years on the leafy vegetable diet while sleeping on the floor. It was also believed that she consumed Bilva leaves for 3000 years while praying to Lord Shiva and later she left Ann and Jal (food and water) to take Lord Shiva as her Husband, according to Drik Panchang.

Bhoga: On this day offering sugar and Panchamr as a cart can impress the goddess and bring happiness and prosperity.

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Day 3

The third day of Navratri is dedicated to Goddess Chandraghanta. This avatar of the goddess Durga is the married form of the goddess Parvati. After her marriage to Lord Shiva, Goddess Mahagauri began adorning her forehead with half of Chandra and because of which Goddess Parvati was known as Goddess Chandraghanta, according to Drik Panchang.

It is believed that worshipers seeking the blessing of Lord Shukra should worship the Goddess Chandraghanta to seek peace, prosperity and happiness. The crescent moon on the forehead symbolizes its beauty and bravery!

Bhoga: It is believed that offering delicious Kheer and Milk-based as a prasad can bring wealth, good health and prosperity to the family.


Day 4

Goddess Kushmanda is worshiped on the fourth day of Navratri. It is believed that this avatar of the goddess Durga has the power to stay inside the Sun. It is believed that in order to seek the blessings and energy of the Sun one must worship the goddess Kushmanda. Offering red flowers to the deity can make your wishes come true.

Bhoga: Making and distributing a Malpua bhog on this day strengthens willpower and intelligence.

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Day 5

Goddess Skandamata, the mother of Skanda (Kartikeya) is worshiped on the 5th day of Navratri. This avatar of Goddess Parvati symbolizes the strength of a mother and the way she protects her child.

Worship of this Shakti avatar is believed to improve the planetary position of the Buddha planet.

Bhoga: On this day offering a banana or banana-based delicacies like a cart can bring professional growth and can improve health.


Day 6

This day is dedicated to the worship of the Katyayani avatar of Goddess Parvati. It is believed that Goddess Katyayani is Goddess Warrior and is full of rage, unlike other forms of Parvati.

It is believed that the planet Brihaspati is ruled by the Goddess Katyayani and the worship of the deity with a rogue Honey or Meethe Paan (sweet betel leaf) removes negativity and brings happiness.


Day 7

The 7th day of Navratri is dedicated to the goddess Kalaratri. Avatar The Shakti Cave symbolizes her anger and her worship on this day protects the saints from all kinds of suffering.

Bhoga: Offering a Jaggery (stone) bag or delicacies made with jaggery on this day can bring positive vibration and protect believers from suffering.


Day 8

On this day the Goddess Mahagauri is worshiped. It is believed that the worship of the Goddess with Jasmine that blooms at night brings peace and intelligence

On this day, offering a coconut bog and delicacies made with coconut can bring prosperity, happiness and wealth.


Day 9

The 9th day of Navratr is dedicated to the Goddess Sidhidatri. Worship of the Goddess on this day can fulfill all desires as it is believed that this avatar of Shakti possesses a lot of Sidhis and her worship in the right way can bring happiness, good health and prosperity. This is also the day when Sandhi Puja is performed to seek the blessing of the Goddess Durga.

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Bhoga: On this day offering a prasad of Halwa, Poori and Kheer and the interpretation of Kanya Poojan is the best way to seek the blessings of the Goddess Durga.

Gezuar Navratri!

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