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Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador targets Trump over medical supplies – Red Deer Advocate


Donald Trump’s suggestion that the United States could ban the export of medical supplies to Canada has infuriated the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Dwight Ball wanted to remind the president on Sunday how the province had helped thousands of stranded airline passengers after the September 11 attacks.

“In 2001, our province intensified as much as possible,” Ball said at a press conference in St. John’s, N.L.

“When the United States was in crisis … Newfoundland and Labrador accepted thousands of people from around the world with open arms. Without question, without prompting, the Newfoundlanders and Labradorians acted quickly and did what was necessary. “

US manufacturer 3M – one of the world’s largest producers of N95 medical grade face masks – said on Friday that the White House had ordered it to stop exporting equipment to Canada and Latin America – a charge that the White House has denied.

The White House later released a statement suggesting that its order was aimed at “war profiteers” who could divert protective equipment from American hospitals to foreign buyers willing to pay large premiums.

Media reports suggest that Trump chose 3M after a Fox News report accused American distributors of the Minnesota-based company of selling its masks to “foreign buyers” who outbid American customers.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, Trump’s comments landed with a thud, Ball said.

“To say that I am mad at President Trump’s recent actions is an understatement,” said the Liberal Prime Minister. “I can’t believe for a second that in a crisis, President Trump would even consider banning essential medical supplies in Canada.”

Ball is not the only prime minister to criticize American actions in recent days. The Premier of Alberta, Jason Kenney, and the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, also recently expressed disappointment with the state of medical supplies.

Despite his anger, Ball said the people of the province – known for their unreserved hospitality – would always be there to help those in need.

“Newfoundland and Labrador will never abandon humanity,” he said. “We wouldn’t hesitate for a second if we were to repeat what we did on September 11. We would do it again. ”

Ball’s harsh words for Trump came as the province reported 14 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the province’s total to 217 confirmed cases. Ten people remain in hospital and three in intensive care.

The province reported the first death in the Atlantic region from a new coronavirus on March 30. The four provinces have since reported no deaths related to COVID-19.

However, three of the provinces reported a total of 83 new cases this weekend. Prince Edward Island did not record any new cases on Saturday or Sunday.

In Nova Scotia, health officials reported 26 new cases on Sunday. The province’s total now stands at 262 confirmed cases – the highest number in the region.

Now that the virus is spreading in communities, Nova Scotia has stepped up testing at the province’s main laboratory, where processing of the results should become a 24/7 operation.

Prime Minister Stephen McNeil confirmed on Sunday that Halifax police released dozens of tickets over the weekend to people who violate emergency health orders to prevent the spread of the virus.

He repeated a warning he issued on Friday, which has since become a hot topic on social media.

“Stay at home!” he said, recognizing that his quaint Maritime phrase line is now printed on T-shirts, coffee mugs and all kinds of kitschy souvenirs.

“Friday, I told you all to stay at home,” he said. “You had a lot of fun and … after all, we could all use a little humor now.”

However, the Prime Minister doubled his original message.

“People always walk on beaches and in parks, organize parties in garages and get together in large groups,” he said. “But what the reckless and the selfish don’t get is that they put everyone in danger … This virus is spreading and spreading quickly. Look at what’s going on in Ontario and Quebec.”

In New Brunswick, health officials have reported three new cases, bringing the province’s total to 101 confirmed cases. Like Nova Scotia, most cases are related to travel, but five are due to spread in the community.

“Now is the time to be reasonable, to be careful and, most of all, to be nice,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick’s chief medical officer of health, in a statement.

“But remember, you wouldn’t put someone else’s oxygen mask before yours. I urge you to think about your mental health the same way. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. “

This report from The Canadian Press was first published on April 5, 2020.

Michael MacDonald, The Canadian Press


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