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Summary of national and international news from April 6, 2020 – Mimi Mefo Info


A man suspected of being a commercial motorcyclist was arrested at the Bonakwamouang roundabout in Douala for asking where President Paul Biya was. Locals wonder if they don’t have the right to know more about their president. Paul Biya has remained silent in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

Residents of Bamenda say they were left in fear by gunfire around Mile 7 today. Similar shots were heard last night around Nchoubou-Bamenda. So far, according to a source, no one has been able to clearly identify who is shooting and why. The UN had called for a ceasefire as the world fights against the COVID-19 virus, this decision was supported by some independence fighters in the troubled English-speaking regions.

The government has confirmed an attack on the armed forces in the Far North by the Boko Haram terrorist sect. In addition to the soldiers, 10 civilians, according to the Ministry of Defense, were killed while the sect wreaked havoc in the villages.

The town hall markets of Bamenda should be disinfected very soon as part of the fight against the COVID-19 virus. The disinfection will be carried out with chlorine bought by the mayor of the city. Mayor Paul Achombong had previously announced a concession for traders asking them not to pay financial obligations to the Council for the months of April and May because of the harmful effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on their businesses.

The Governor of the Littoral Region has allocated five hospitals to COVID-19 patients. In a decision signed on Saturday April 4, 2020, Samuel Dieudonné Ivaha Diboa stated that in addition to the Logbaba district hospital, other hospitals to uniquely manage COVID-19 include; the Yassa gyneco-obstetric and pediatric hospital, the Bonamousadi health center, the Nkouloulou health center and the Laquintinie hospital.

A journalist from Canal 2 has disappeared. Eric Golf Kouatchou, a source, told Mimi Mefo Info that he was removed from his hotel room on April 2, 2020 by men in military uniform to an unknown destination. Since then, no official statement has been published by the Douala security services on his fate. He had arrived in Douala Cameroon from France on March 17 and was quarantined in a hotel in accordance with a measure taken by the government to monitor the health of all people from countries infected with the coronavirus.

Lessons for students taking the end-of-course exams are broadcast on national radio and television. The first lessons started today and will take place every day from 8h to 10h30. The measure is taken by the Ministry of Basic Education to fill the void created by the suspension of classes to fight COVID-19. Many parts of the country are without electricity, which means that many cannot benefit from the lessons.

Despite the repeated measures taken by the administration and the army to put an end to respect for the ghost town on Monday in Bamenda, the practice is still in force. Residents stay at home on Monday. They attest that the sounds of gunfire are no longer as frequent as before.

There have been contrasting explanations for what causes sporadic water flow from Mount Fako in the town of Buea. While some geologists believe that the constant washing of the upper mountain soil by rainwater is responsible, some traditionalists assume that the mountain gods react mainly.

Tents to accommodate hundreds of COVID-19 patients are being built at the Yaoundé military stadium. Officials said the site will be ready by the end of this week to receive patients.

Israel’s ambassador to Cameroon, Isi Yanouka, said his country was ready to produce face masks for life-threatening medical workers in Cameroon for coronavirus patients. The Ambassador was received in audience today by Minister Prike, Dion Ngute.

A dark glow in Cameroon as the witnesses of the countries fall into new cases of coronavirus. According to the Minister of Public Health, 8 new cases of COVID-19 were registered throughout April 6, 2020, far below the 95 new cases previously confirmed. The 8 new cases bring the total to 658 confirmed cases across the country. However, the Minister did not confirm whether the decline in the number of new cases could be considered a new trend.

Dr. Njoumbissi Serge says that Douala cannot treat serious cases of COVID-19. Expressing fears about what he says could be a disaster if COVID-19 confirmed patients develop respiratory problems, Dr. Njoumbissi revealed that Douala, a city of over 5 million, can only treat 14 COVID-19 stage 3 cases because there are only 14 respirators throughout the city.

The first phase of Cameroon’s response plan against COVID-19 is completed according to the Minister of Public Health. During a press briefing in Yaoundé on Monday April 6, 2020, the Minister of Public Health revealed that all travelers from abroad, quarantined in hotels across Cameroon have been tested for COVID -19, and positive cases quarantined. The next phase, according to the Minister, will consist of identifying and fixing the places of accommodation for COVID-19 cases.

A plenary session of the National Assembly is scheduled for April 7, 2020. According to the secretary general of the lower house of the Cameroonian Parliament – Abdoulaye Daouda, the session will be devoted to a general debate on bill n ° 1069 / PJL / AN

A notable from Buea reportedly survived an assassination attempt that left two people dead and two injured in the Rapid Response Battalion. BIR elements reportedly attacked the notable’s home but met with strong resistance from his security guards, Mimi Mefo Info said by a source. “The porter and the notable’s workers were at their house at around 10 a.m. yesterday when these men came in and started shooting. I think their goal was to kill the notable, ”said the source. The injured, he adds, were taken away by a strange ambulance. We follow the story…

A 16-year-old boy was shot dead in Kurogwe by alleged Ambazonian fighters. Randy Welebesi, a source said, tried to escape when the suspected separatist fighters attacked their home but were shot. His family members say he was buried before he could go to the village. Last month, residents of Kurogwe reportedly teamed up and dismantled a camp run by separatist fighters in the region, accusing them of being a nuisance to the community.

The Zimbabwean Minister of Health has warned people against the sale of unregistered Covid-19 self-test kits. Obadiah Moyo told the public newspaper Herald that all test kits should be evaluated by local authorities to establish their effectiveness and avoid false results.

An actress in Tunisia said she had received death threats from Islamist activists after she started broadcasting live videos of herself in the womb in an attempt to entertain people in detention due to the coronavirus. Nermine Sfar said the threats came from people linked to a Tunisian group with ties to al-Qaeda.

The coronavirus has an unusual impact in the Sahara desert where it has prompted certain rebel and government forces from the remote town of Kidal, Mali, to cooperate in order to prepare the quarantine stations. Mali has struggled for years with a separatist rebellion and, more recently, with a dramatic upsurge in attacks by Islamist groups. The separatist rebel leader, Bilal ag Acherif, described plans to unite to fight a common enemy.

Prominent Nigerian actress Funke Akindele was found guilty of “raping [coronavirus] restraining orders “in the commercial capital, Lagos, according to a police statement. She was charged alongside her husband, Abdul Rasheed Bello, who was also convicted.

Ugandans online have expressed mixed reactions to the government’s plan to reopen schools in late April. Education Minister Janet Museveni said primary and secondary schools will reopen on April 27. She said the measures put in place to stop the spread of the coronavirus would allow the school calendar to resume.

A married couple, their party, and all of their wedding guests were arrested in South Africa for participating in a marriage against government regulations, which prohibited large gatherings in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Police and soldiers interrupted the marriage and arrested 53 people in eNseleni in rural KwaZulu-Natal this weekend.

Demonstrators in Abidjan, the commercial capital of Côte d’Ivoire, destroyed a coronavirus center under construction in the Yopougon district. Residents said it was being built in an overcrowded residential area, too close to their homes.

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