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Meeting Nagrota: How Pakistan Rangers in Narowal’s Shakargarh Helped Four JeM Terrorists Infiltrate India | India News


In a major development, senior security officials on Friday claimed that the Pakistan Rangers in the Shakargarh area of ​​Punjab’s Narowal district in Pakistan helped four terrorists of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terror clothing to infiltrate India.

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On Thursday, four JeM terrorists were killed in a meeting with security forces on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway. The terrorists, who were hiding in a truck, were killed near the toll booth on the union territory highway in the early hours of Thursday.

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The meeting began after a truck carrying four terrorists from Jammu to Kashmir was intercepted by security forces personnel near the highway. The gun battle began near the payment square in Nagrota when several terrorists opened fire on police forces and paramilitaries. The army also joined the operation.

Leading sources within the security institution said on Friday that the terrorists had infiltrated the night before the meeting from the Shakargarh sector, just two days after New Moon’s night. They took the river road to reach the national highway between Samba and Heeranagar in Jammu & Kashmir. They were picked up around 3.10am by LP truck loaded with rice bags.

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The terrorists were assisted on the runway near Sialkot, Pakistan by a Mohammad Rauf who is believed to be their holder and head of the JeM Sialkot module. Police have seized several phone numbers from the recovered mobile phone with the terrorists and are currently investigating the device.

“Shakargarh from where the terrorists have infiltrated is the headquarters of Pakistan Rangers and therefore the cooperation of the Rangers can not be ruled out. This is similar to previous cases in the area, the same modus operandi except the fact that the truck used a false registration it will to be investigated in detail, “a senior official investigating JeM activities in the area uncovered on condition of anonymity.

Leading sources have also revealed a brief exchange of fire at the international border around the infiltration route that triggered an initial alarm around midnight, at the same time as the terrorists hid inside Indian territory. Security forces are also seeking a tunnel used by these terrorists to infiltrate the International Border (IB) area.

Initial investigations have revealed that JeM terrorists wanted to disrupt future District Development Council (DDC) polls in the Kashmir Valley with a major terror incident. The intelligence agencies had notified the security forces about a possible infiltration offer around Jammu and therefore the forces were vigilant and on alert. Experts believe this is a significant achievement months after the repeal of Articles 370 and 35A which had also strengthened the anti-terror security network.

The operation was led by Jammu and IG Kashmir Police Mukesh Singh who had warned the terrorists to surrender or otherwise face the consequences. Within minutes the four terrorists who were hiding in a truck were eliminated. Police found 11 AK-47 rifles, 3 pistols, 6 UBGL grenades and a mobile phone.

“We had information about infiltration by terrorists Lashkar and Jaish from Pakistan, so we were vigilant. Never before has such a large weapons depot with infiltrated terrorists been recovered. It seems their modus operandi was something big and they were on their way. “The truck driver is fleeing. The satellite and mobile phones found by the terrorists are being investigated,” said IG Jammu Mukesh Singh after visiting the meeting place.

“When the infiltration of the Valley is effective and deeply layered, it is inevitable that Jammu will become the center and route for sending human resources and certainly to Kashmir. The trans-Pir Panjal networks are undoubtedly still in existence although badly damaged by good work agencies, “said Lieutenant General Syed Ata Hasnain, former GOC 15th Corps. “Second, the good work by Jammu & Kashmir Police and other security forces is really making a difference in ensuring that terror does not resurface in the Jammu region. This good work must continue diligently,” he added.

Security forces in 2020 alone have eliminated more than 210 terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. The recent killing of 4 Pakistani terrorists and the avoidance of a major terrorist attack ahead of local DDC polls had further encouraged the forces.

“It was a clean and professional operation carried out by the J&K police with surgical precision. The results of the operation in the form of killing 4 terrorists, recovering 11 AK rifles with a large amount of weapons, ammunition and additional equipment, speak of the success of managed to thwart a major terrorist attack in the valley, “said former J&K DGP Kuldeep Khoda.

Meanwhile, a team from the National Investigation Agency (NIA) visited the meeting site. Since the case is similar to several such previous attempts by Pakistani terrorist outfit JeM, the case could be transferred to the NIA. The final call will be made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the next 48 hours.

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DGP Jammu Kashmir police Dilbagh Singh had said, “Terrorists linked to the JEM group were killed at the Ban Square toll booth on the Jammu-Kashmir Highway near Nagrota. They infiltrated from the Samba Sector. control. “

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