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At 6.9C, Delhi feels cold as the November cold breaks records – news from Delhi


Delhi on Sunday recorded a minimum temperature of 6.9 degrees Celsius, breaking the previous November record of 7.3 degrees Celsius proven in 2006, according to records from the Meteorological Department of India (IMD).

On Sunday, the Safdarjung observatory, which is the official marker for the city, recorded a minimum temperature of 6.9 degrees Celsius, 4 degrees below normal. On Lodhi Road, the minimum temperature dropped further — to record 6.4 degrees Celsius — while the minimum temperature at the Aaya Nagar Observatory was 6.8 degrees Celsius.

IMD data show that Delhi recorded 7.3 degrees Celsius on 28 November 2006. It was the previous record for the lowest minimum temperature since IMD began keeping records from 1990. The lowest minimum temperature ever recorded was 28 November 1938, when the minimum temperature plunged to 3.9 degrees Celsius.

IMD scientists have warned that this time the Capital is likely to have a colder winter than usual this year, due to a Pacific weather phenomenon known as La Nina, which leads to a cascading impact on global weather in the winter months.

During La Nina, temperatures in the central Pacific Ocean fall below normal levels, causing wind patterns that can affect the weather in remote regions. This has been associated with colder winters than usual in northwest India.

“Both maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to stay around 2-2.5 ° C below normal throughout the season. Also, since winter is starting early with temperatures already low, the minimum is likely to drop to 5-6 ° C as early as December 10th. This usually happens after December 20, “said Kuldeep Srivastava, head of the IMD regional weather forecasting center (RWFC).

He added that daytime temperatures, or maximum temperatures, will begin to fall in early December.

Local factors, too, have contributed to making the days colder. Delhi has had a cloudless line, with only one western concern so far bringing moisture. “When there is no cloud, the soil cools faster and the minimum temperatures stay low,” Srivastava explained.

On Friday, Delhi recorded a minimum temperature of 7.5 ° C, five points below normal and the lowest November temperature in 14 years. On Saturday, it rose slightly to set at 8.5 ° C, while the maximum was at 24.6 ° C.

Experts said a western disturbance on Nov. 23 will briefly cause a slight rise in temperatures. Once it passes, the days and nights will become colder again.

“When global conditions like La Nina are prevalent, there is a tendency for regions under northwest India to become colder,” said VK Soni of the IMD environmental monitoring research center.

Soni added that currently, mercury diving is accompanied by strong winds that help break down pollutants, but after November 23, wind speed is likely to slow down and cause an deterioration in air quality.

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