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Delhi government temporarily closes two markets in Western District after Covid rate violations – cities


New Delhi: The state government temporarily closed two makeshift markets in the western district of Delhi, citing rampant violations of Covid-19 rules regarding wearing masks in public places and social distancing.

Both markets, in the Punjabi Bagh and Nangloi localities, will remain closed until November 30, according to an order issued by the district magistrate’s office in question. HT has seen the message.

“Both of these markets are unauthorized and contain about 100 makeshift shops that sell goods ranging from clothes to kitchenware. The strike was necessary in light of the rampant violation of Covid-19 regulations. “This is not a blockage, but a temporary measure due to an emergency,” said a senior government official.

Meanwhile, senior Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders on Sunday launched RT-PCR test facilities in assembly constituencies and distributed masks throughout the city.

RT-PCR [reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction] tests are considered the most accurate diagnosis for Covid-19.

The VET initiative to distribute masks across Delhi began on Saturday, a day after the government implemented increased fines, increased from 500 to 2,000 – for not wearing masks, spitting and disobeying social distance rules in public places. The initiative was discussed at an all-party meeting chaired by Prime Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress have also launched similar initiatives.

The first large RT-PCR machine through mobile vans was launched by Rajendra Nagar MLA Raghav Chadha, who also distributed masks in his assembly segment.

“Increased RT-PCR testing is an effective way to know how widespread Covid-19 is in Delhi. We do not want to be a mere statistic, but take proactive and effective steps to contain the spread of this terrible pandemic. I have also noticed some people wearing their masks incorrectly. It should be understood that the mask passes over the nose, not under it. “This defeats the purpose of wearing one,” said Chadha.

“There is no medicine to treat Covid-19. You can protect yourself and your family just by wearing a mask and following social distancing, ”said Greater Kailash MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj.

“If you love your family and care about their lives, do not leave the house without wearing a mask,” said Malviya Nagar MLA Somnath Bharti.

Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain and Environment Minister Gopal Rai also took part in directing the distribution of the masks on Sunday. Deputy Prime Minister Manish Sisodia had distributed masks in his Patparganj parliament constituency on Saturday.

As revenue districts and police continue to distribute free masks, several market welfare associations in the city have also joined hands in the initiative.

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