Canada and the West are at war with Russia, whether they like it or not: military experts – National
Russian aggression is the greatest challenge facing Canada and Western democracies at this time as the Kremlin attempts to dismantle the rules-based international order that has existed since the end of the Second War warn military experts.
And therefore, some say that Canada and its allies should consider themselves already at war with Russia.
“It is not an interwar period. The war is on, "said Frederick Kagan, a resident researcher at the American Enterprise Institute and a specialist in critical threats.
"The main challenge is our own failure to recognize that we are involved in a large-scale conflict with Russia."
Kagan and others spoke at a Wednesday roundtable hosted by the ADC Institute for its annual Ottawa security and defense conference.
They focused on relations with Russia and how escalating tensions challenge the existing security structures on which Canada and its allies depend, including the NORAD continental defense arrangement between Canada and the United States.
NORAD is the current joint operation between Canada and the United States to assert sovereignty over North American airspace. It was created in the 1950s to try to counter the threat of aerial bombers from the Soviet Union then attacking from the Arctic.
But as Russian President Vladimir Putin has steered the country to a more aggressive stance in recent years, the capabilities of the alliance and the ability of Western military alliances to respond to Russian incursions, not only physically but also in cyberspace, were faced with difficult questions.
Canadian Lieutenant General. Christopher Coates, deputy commander of NORAD, said that while the threat was not necessarily that of the Russian armies landing on Canadian coasts, that did not make the situation less critical for the leaders.
"North America is no longer a sanctuary," he said, stressing that NORAD must adapt to the reality that the world is going through a new era of uncertainty and challenges for global institutions and alliances.
"Russia and other countries are engaged in an uncontrolled race for dominance in a variety of areas … Russia's actions and capabilities are a big part of what drives this need for change.
"Russia today represents the greatest short-term threat to North America."
His comments come just weeks after U.S. General Terrence OShaughnessy, the commander of NORAD, warned U.S. lawmakers in a letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services that Canada and the U.S. had lost their military advantage over the Russia in the Arctic.

The Arctic is no longer a fortress wall and our oceans are no longer protective moats, they are now approach routes for advanced conventional weapons and the platforms that carry them, a writes OShaughnessy.
"Russia has left us no choice but to improve our capabilities and our internal defense capabilities.
Coates would not go into detail on the areas of NORAD which he said require the most urgent updates, but said the change in the dynamics of world power, including the increase in Foreign policy and military partnerships between Russia and China, means that the NORAD alliance must adapt.
Jodi Thomas, Canada's Deputy Minister of National Defense, did not provide details on what the government intends to do to address the changing nature of the threats, but said it was clear that changes happen quickly.
"The world is changing faster than expected when we presented our defense policy," she said, referring to the policy reset document released by the Liberal government in 2017 called Strong, Secure, Engaged.. "We are at a critical time for Canada and a critical time for the world."
Kagan argued that the change of power and renewed focus on the Arctic means that Canada will need to step up its efforts to play a bigger role.
"The more attention the focus is on the Arctic, the more important Canada becomes," he said, but cautioned that there may be little political will to do so.
"You have a lot of opinions on what the world order should be but very little interest in acting to make it happen."

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