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The White House releases Administrator Trump’s plan to fight China


The White House on Wednesday released a 10-page document outlining the Trump administration’s strategy since 2018 to oppose China, stressing India’s role as a new ally in Asia.

The document contains some surprises, outlining plans to support allies and step up economic and counter-espionage efforts by neighboring states.

But U.S. cooperation with India stands out in the appraisal.

“A strong India, in cooperation with like-minded countries, would act as a counterweight to China,” RECITED.

“China aims to expand US alliances and partnerships in the region. “China will take advantage of the vacuums and opportunities created by these reduced ties.”

White House National Security Council report says US will “[a]”I want to create a quadrilateral security framework with India, Japan, Australia and the United States as the main hubs.”

The Trump White House released the document a week before President-elect Joe Biden took office. Critics accuse Biden of being historically naive during China’s rise, especially in trade policy.

President Trump initially cultivated a warm personal relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping, but the bond was strained by a trade war aimed at forcing an agreement to reform Chinese economic policy. Last year, Trump authorized sanctions against Chinese officials for eliminating Hong Kong’s political autonomy and for mistreating Uighur Muslim minorities. He also vowed to “disconnect” the US and China economically in response to fraud in early COVID-19 data.

Unlike Trump as president-elect, Biden has not spoken to Taiwan’s president since he won the election.

Trump visited India in February and in 2019 hosted a “Howdy, Modi!” rally in Houston with 50,000 Indian Americans welcoming a visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The strategy document says the US will seek to “[a]accelerate India’s growth and capacity to serve as a net security provider and Large Defense Partner; strengthen a sustainable strategic partnership with India backed by a strong Indian military capable of cooperating effectively with the United States and our partners in the region to address common interests. “


Indian soldiers stand guard during an armed battle between suspected militants and government security forces in Lawaypora on the outskirts of Srinagar.

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A Chinese navy formation, including the Liaoning aircraft carrier (center), during military exercises in the South China Sea

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A man who was acting disorderly in a Manhattan subway …

The document says the US should “[p]artner with India on cyber and space security and maritime awareness [and] [e]and US-India intelligence analytical exchanges. ”

India’s growth vision also includes “[w]ork[ing] with India and Japan to help fund projects that enhance the regional link between India and the countries of the region. ”

The strategy, though outdated, underscores other traditional U.S. priorities, such as defending Taiwan’s de facto independence from China and persuading North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. Ever since the document was drafted, the Trump administration has waged a largely successful campaign to discourage allies from using Chinese telecom company Huawei for 5G infrastructure over spying concerns.

The document says the US should “[e]Taiwan potential to develop an effective asymmetric defense strategy and capabilities that will help ensure its security, freedom from coercion, resistance and ability to engage China on its own terms. “

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