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BJP turned J&K into pieces, put our land and our works up for sale: Mehbooba


‘Resolving Kashmir issue a necessity for peace’

Govind Sharma
JAMMU, January 31: Former Prime Minister and chairman of the People’s Democratic Party Mehbooba Mufti said today that the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) and the government led by her in the Center have turned the beautiful state of Jammu and Kashmir into pieces and set the land work for sale to foreigners.

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“Dogra Maharaj ruler Gulab Singh had created the beautiful J&K state which includes Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh regions with people of different religions, but the BJP government in the center dissolved the state in the Ladakh and J&K Union Territories, and laid the groundwork “and our sales work for foreigners by bringing the Housing Law and other laws,” said the Mufti, adding, “Our young people are not getting jobs but foreigners are getting reservations at work.” in Poonch district, on the second day of her three-day visit to the border districts of Rajouri and Poonch.
The former CM said that “our country does not have cordial relations with any neighbor, be it Pakistan or China. When our relations turned bad with Pakistan, people living in villages along the International Border and the J&K Line of Control got into trouble and “They have to deal with bombings and shootings by Pakistani troops. As our relations with China deteriorated, our Army 20-22 weeks were martyred on the Chinese border in Ladakh.”
The Mufti said the BJP wants to win every election but has no agenda to fight the election other than their trusted and old formula of making Hindus and Muslims fight each other. She said the people of the country are now awake, especially after the CAA and the ongoing protest of farmers on the borders of Delhi.
The PDP president said that when the BJP government again voted for power in the center, the Constitution was being blown up. “Before you make a law in Parliament, those for whom it was made are advised but the BJP Government did not consult with the farmers before making the farm laws and as a result thousands of farmers are on the road for the last two months demanding the return of these laws “, she said.
Mehbooba said farmers who oppose the laws claim these are not beneficial to them but the BJP government is determined to impose these laws on farmers. She claimed that to defame the farmers, the BJP Government under a “well-planned plot” placed some ‘Gunda’ elements among the protesting farmers and helped them reach the Red Fort where they raised the religious flag.
“This is not the first time this has happened. “During the CAA protests in Delhi as well, the BJP did the same and called the protesting people Pakistanis and now farmers protesting peacefully on the Delhi borders are being slandered by calling them Khalistanis,” she added.
The former CM said that there is a big challenge for our country and for ‘Jamoohriat’ (democracy) as the saffron party for the lust for power wants to turn the country into pieces and make Hindu & Muslim and Hindu & Sikh fight with each other. the other creating animosity between them.
The PDP chief also attacked the BJP government for expelling the Gujjars and Bakerwals from the forest land. She said in J&K, Gujjars and Bakerwals are being evicted from Forest land while thousands of land canals are being given to poor people on behalf of industries.
Describing August 5, 2019 as the darkest day in Indian history, the former CM said that the Union Government will have to restore the special status of J&K with all its safeguards. “The war is fierce and full of challenges and I am ready to face any consequences for my determination,” she said.
Earlier, while addressing a large gathering of party workers, the PDP president claimed that the Union Government’s iron fist policy would prove unproductive and resolving the Kashmir issue is necessary to remove Jammu and Kashmir from the riots. current and ensure peace and sustainable development.
“Peace must be restored to the border, the daily running in the Kashmir cemetery must end, the bloodshed of our youth must stop and for all this the resolution of the Kashmir issue was essential,” Mehbooba said. She added that the Kashmir issue was neither a religious issue nor an order and law as projected by the ruling Bhartiya Janta Party but is entirely political with its origins in a series of betrayals with the J&K people.
“The solution to this issue must go through the roadmap proposed and implemented by the PDP during short periods in power. “There is no alternative to Mufti Muhammed Sayeed’s vision for peace with dignity and the PDP agenda is more important today than ever,” she said, advocating for dialogue with the neighboring country and domestic actors, especially the youth.
Mehbooba said that contrary to the claims of the Union Ministers in their election rallies across the country, the situation is grim in J&K and people are facing drowning and being pushed into the walls. “The democratic space has been suppressed and silence is being implemented through coercive measures. “The younger generation today is more alien and desperate than ever and its consequences are severe,” she said.
Expressing gratitude to party employees across J&K who have stood firm with him despite coercive measures by the administration, she said, “The Union Government made every effort to weaken the PDP for the sole reason of ending resistance to “Our leaders continue to languish behind bars, workers are being harassed and even the administration has been used to pressure PDP supporters to leave the organization or face the consequences, but the support “of party employees has strengthened my determination to fight for the aspirations of the people,” she said.

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