Palace downplays Lacson's information of 3,000 Chinese soldiers allegedly in Metro Manila »Manila Bulletin News
By Argyll Cyrus Geducos
Despite his concern, Malacaang said there was no need for the executive to play a proactive role in the investigation of the alleged presence of 3,000 Chinese soldiers in Manila.

Presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo
Presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo made the statement after Senator Panfilo Lacson said he received information that about 2,000 to 3,000 members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) are currently in the country for "immersion missions" and for other purposes still unknown.
Lacson, however, said that he had not yet validated the report which he said came from a fairly reliable source.
In its press conference on Thursday, Panelo said that, although the Palace is concerned about matters relating to the interests and security of the country, it cannot make a categorical statement before the validation of the said report.
"We have to validate that we cannot first make statements relating to anything based on speculation and unverified reports," he said.
"I am sure that the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) already validates this since it is reported by no less than one senator from the Republic. All we can say is that we in government are always concerned with any matter affecting the national interest and national security, "he added.
However, Panelo said it was not necessary for President Duterte to be actively involved in the investigation.
"The Palace does not have to do it, because precisely kaya nga nasa executive huh (that's why he is part of the executive)," he said.
"Kung ginagawa na ang mga trabaho nga mga opisina mo under your territory, bakit mo pa gagawin yun. Trabaho nila yun (If the people under you are doing their job, why should you do the same? It is their job). So when their work is done, they report to the president and the president makes a decision, ”he added.
The palace official, however, assured the public that President Duterte was nonchalant on the issue.
"No, basta kailangan palagi can found if Presidente (the president must have a base before acting)," said Panelo.
Senator Richard Gordon claimed that members of the PLA had infiltrated POGOs to gather information following reports that pieces of identity of the PLA had been discovered by the two Chinese suspects who were arrested in Makati last week.
Earlier this week, Panelo urged Gordon to help the government get to the bottom of the problem by providing information to the authorities.
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