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No deaths from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours in 18 States, UT: Ministry of Health


Cumulative recoveries of India have shown a progressive increase on a daily basis, said Ministry of Health

Eighteen Union States and Territories, including Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh, have not reported any deaths due to COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health said on 17 February.

India’s cumulative recoveries have shown a progressive increase on a daily basis, the ministry said.

Eighteen States / UTs have not reported any COVID-19 deaths in the last 24 hours. These are Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Puducherry, Himachal Pradesh, Lakshadweep, Manipur, Ladakh, Assam, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Arunadu and Pradesh , the Ministry said in a statement.

Nearly 90 doses of lakh vaccine were given to beneficiaries through 1,91,373 sessions until 8 a.m. on Feb. 17, according to the interim report.

These include 61,50,922 health care workers (first dose), 2,76,377 health care workers (second dose) and 25,71,931 first line workers (first dose).

A total of 36 hospitalizations and 29 deaths were reported among those vaccinated by 4pm on February 16, the ministry said.

Of the 36 hospitalization cases, 22 were discharged after treatment.

Two are still under treatment and 12 cases [people] died Of the 29 deaths, 17 are out of hospital while 12 deaths are in hospital, she said.

The ministry said no case of serious or severe AEFI (adverse event after immunization) or death has been attributed to vaccination to date.

Administration of the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination began on 13 February for beneficiaries who had completed 28 days after receiving the first dose.

On day 32 (February 16) of vaccination, a total of 2,76,943 doses were given in 7,001 sessions. Of which, 1,60,691 beneficiaries were vaccinated for the first dose and 1,16,252 HCW received the second dose of the vaccine, she said.

Eight states make up 57.8% of the total vaccine doses administered in India. Uttar Pradesh alone accounts for 10.4% [9,34,962], she said.

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