US Representative In Iran Says Tehran Must Allow Inspectors To Enter Nuke Site
PARIS The United States Special Representative for Iran said on Thursday that the Islamic Republic should "immediately" guarantee inspectors access to sites that contain traces of nuclear material or activity.
The finding was made public in a report released this week by the international nuclear watchdog, which said that Iran was refusing access.
In one of two confidential reports, the International Atomic Energy Agency identified three places where Iran may have stored undeclared nuclear material or carried out activities without them. declare to international observers. The Associated Press has seen the report to member countries. The other report says that Iran has almost tripled its stock of enriched uranium since November, violating an agreement with world powers.
The IAEA said its request for access to two of the sites had been denied, although nuclear-related activities are expected to date from the early 2000s.
Iranian nuclear agency spokesperson Behrouz Kamalvandi said on Wednesday that access requests should have a legal basis, according to the semi-official Iranian news agency ISNA. He did not elaborate.
U.S. official Brian Hook said access is required under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty to which Iran is a signatory, which means that it must provide access. at once.
"Iran must be held to the same standards as each of the other 190 parties" to the treaty, he said in a meeting with a group of journalists.
Hook was in Paris to meet his French, German and British counterparts, signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran that the Trump administration withdrew in 2018. The United States wants a more inclusive which addresses ballistic missiles and Iran's regional ambitions in Syria and elsewhere. Instead, Washington imposed punitive economic sanctions on Iran as part of its "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran.
While noting that the three European nations have "tactical disagreements" with the United States, he stressed their common concern that Iran is not getting nuclear weapons.
China and Russia are also signatories to the agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which has promised Iran economic incentives in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear program. These incentives have failed to materialize, as have European efforts to create a mechanism for Iran to bypass U.S. sanctions that have yet to take off. Iran, in turn, has progressively violated the restrictions of the agreement with measures it maintains reversible in what it says is a "maximum resistance" campaign.
Hook noted particular concern over a milestone in the nuclear deal, the lifting of a United Nations arms embargo and other sanctions in October. He said the deal is a step on the road to allowing Iran to have nuclear weapons once restrictions on centrifuges are lifted in 11 years.
In what appears to be an attempt to gain time to negotiate, European signatories have invoked a dispute settlement mechanism that is part of the agreement. This could ultimately lead to the reintroduction of sanctions, known as "snapback", but this would not be their objective.
Hook has appeared, at least for now, to put an end to any speculation that the United States may try to return to the agreement, claiming participation despite the withdrawal, to trigger the snapback.
"We are excluded from the agreement," he said when asked, "and therefore the countries that participate in the agreement will make decisions that will fall under their sovereignty."
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