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Brexit: preparations cost the government more than 4 billion



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Government departments have spent more than $ 4 billion to prepare to leave the EU, said the public spending watchdog.

The National Audit Office said that this figure included staff costs, external advice and advertising.

A spokesman for the Treasury said the government had made "all the necessary funds available" to ensure the country was ready to leave the EU.

But the Lib Dems claimed that "billions of pounds have been thrown away in an effort to crush the Conservatives' Brexit mess."

The NAO pointed out in its report that it did not judge whether the expenses represented good value for money.

He also pointed out that the figures represented an "estimated minimum level of expenditure" due to "limitations" in the data provided by the departments.

The spending watchdog report found that the Home Office, HM Revenue and Customs and the Department of the Environment accounted for more than half of the 4.4 billion spent on Brexit preparations.

Between 2016-17 and 2019-20, the Treasury made available 6.3 billion additional funds to cover the costs of the UK's departure from the EU with or without an agreement.

Of this money, at least $ 1.9 billion has been spent on staff. The NAO said staffing levels peaked in October 2019, when 22,000 public servants were working on Brexit planning.

Advertising, building new systems and other services cost at least $ 1.5 billion, of which $ 283 million to build the EU regulatory system and 69m on Operation Brock, a traffic management system that will be used in Kent in the event of a Brexit without agreement.

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Operation Brock would have seen one side of the M20 used only by heavy goods vehicles heading for cross-Channel ports

The 1.5 billion also covered the 46 million spent on the government campaign "Prepare for Brexit". Earlier this year, the NAO said it was "not clear that the campaign had made the public much better prepared."

External expertise and advice cost 288 million while local government organizations received 104 million.

The departments also reported 92 million Brexit-related losses – including 50 million paid to ferry companies and 33 million to Eurotunnel.

& # 39; Lack of transparency & # 39;

The chair of the Commons Public Accounts Commission, Meg Hillier, said: "The public has not been told what the government is doing.

"The data are limited and the Treasury does not seem concerned by the lack of transparency."

Liberal Democrat Brexit spokesperson Alistair Carmichael said: "In the face of major floods and the threat of coronavirus, we must ask ourselves if the government has its own spending priorities."

NAO chief Gareth Davies said: "In preparing for exit from the EU, ministries have anticipated multiple potential outcomes, with changing timetables and uncertainty.

"The production of this report has highlighted the limits of how the government monitors EU exit spending in particular, and intergovernmental programs in general."

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