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Sonowal is Dhritarashtra, Himanta is Shakuni ‘: Priyanka digging in Assam BJP


Congress Secretary-General Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Monday compared Prime Minister Sarbananda Sonowal to Dhritarashtra and Senior Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma to Shakuni — both epic Mahabharata characters — during her election rallies in Assam.

The truth is that there are two factions of BJP in Assam. In the state government we have a leader like Shakuni and Dhritarashtra, Vadra said at a rally in the Upper Assamese Sarupathar without mentioning Sonowal and Sarma.

Dhritarashtra was a blind king, whose love for his sons, Kauravas, in the inheritance war with his younger brothers, the sons Pandus, Pandavas, led to the Kurukshetra War. Shakuni was the uncle of Kaurava’s deviant mother, who played a key role in the events that led to the war.

Both Dhritarashtra and Shakun have deceived the people of Assam. The tribunal as the leader who at one time was called Jatiya Nayak (Community Leader) did not give special status to the six communities as promised, the fraud that occurred during the recruitment of sub-inspectors took place under his supervision and most importantly, the government passed the Act of Citizenship Change (CAA) despite the promise that it will not do so, Vadra said.

The Congress leader was referring to the BJP’s promise of granting the planned status of the tribe (ST) Tai Ahoms, Morans, Muttocks, Koch-Rajbongshis, Chutias and the tea tribe community, irregularities in police appointments and the approval of the CAA, e which is opposed by many in Assam for fear of a large influx of infiltrators from Bangladesh.

Shakuni as a leader indulges in corruption and indulges in a kind of politics that deceives people. His name was on the indictment prepared by BJP ahead of the 2014 general elections and now he has become the crown of their necks and giving dignity to their stage, Vadra said accusing the BJP government of indulging in corruption.

Her reference was to Himanta Biswa Sarma, who was previously with Congress and joined the BJP in 2015 ahead of recent assembly polls. His name had appeared in the Saradha ponzi scam and Louis Berger bribery scam, but so far Sarma has not been sued in them.

Referring to the popular song Bhupen Hazarikas-Ami Asomiya, Nohou Dukhia (In Assamese we will never be poor), Vadra said that in the last five years, the coalition led by the Bharatiya Janata Party in the state has filled the lives of people in Assam with poverty and sadness.

They promised to work for you, but they did not. A Niti Ayog report mentions that poverty in Assam increased during the BJP rule. Today the state is full of unions (which control the trade of various goods – legal and illegal) and there is no government, Vadra said at a rally in Sarupathar.

The leader of the Congress spoke about the five guarantees of non-implementation of the Law on Change of Citizenship (CAA) in Assam, 2000 every month for housewives, 200 units of free electricity for all families, increase the daily salaries of tea garden workers 365 and the creation of 5 government jobs.

BJP approved CAA to split Assam. The prime minister when he led the election rallies in the state holds the mother of legislation, but the same BJP leaders promise to implement the CAA in their meetings in West Bengal, Vadra said at another rally in Cagliabor. She led a third gathering in Batadroba, the birthplace of the 15th-15th century holy scholar Srimanta Sankardev.

Voting for the 126-seat assembly in Assam will take place in three phases on March 27 (47 seats), April 1 (39 seats) and April 6 (40 seats).

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