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Much of Europe will be green until next month at the big bang reopening


Most of Europe and the US should be on the UK green list next month, according to government ministers.

This huge reopening of the big boom for travel owes in part to a number of successful UK vaccination programs, which have seen one in four Britons receive both doses of the vaccine at the time of writing.

Following the announcement of the initial green list of countries from where arrivals in England will not have to quarantine, from 17 May, the list will be reviewed every three weeks.

A small number of destinations are expected to make the cut initially, including Malta, Portugal and Israel, but much more needs to be added in future review sessions, reports ed.

June will look much more than normal, many of the traditional holiday destinations will be on the list by then, said a government source.

Meanwhile, Professor Neil Ferguson told BBC Radio 4’s today program that if infection levels in France and Italy, for example, were similar to that of the UK this summer, then there is no risk associated with overseas travel.

The risk comes from going from a country like the UK with very low levels of infection and going to a country with much higher levels of infection and therefore has the risk of recurrence of the infection.

If the two countries are at comparable levels and that is what the EU is saying, then there are no specific travel-related risks.

The European Union is considering plans to allow people from the UK, US and Israeli countries with high vaccination rates to travel freely within the EU from June, without testing or quarantine restrictions, provided they are fully vaccinated.

However, the European Commission said the measure would be based on the equivalent treatment of European travelers.

The figures for the UK are good, said an EU official. Vaccinated in the UK will have the right to travel.

But the principle of reciprocity will be important.

The UK government is reopening international travel using a traffic light system that classifies countries as green, amber or red.

Green places come with lighter restrictions: returning travelers must take a quick antigen or lateral leak test before departure for the UK and a PCR test within two days of arrival.

Those traveling from amber countries should do a pre-departure test, PCR tests on day two and day eight upon arrival and quarantine for 10 days.

And the arrivals of the red seats must meet the same requirements as the amber travelers, but carry out their quarantine in a certain hotel, at a cost of 1,750 for a solo traveler.

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