Most Scots do not have enough information about independence, the poll suggests
Nearly six in 10 Scots think they do not have enough information to make an informed choice on independence, a poll has suggested.
This comes as former Prime Minister Gordon Brown called on the Scottish National Party to open the books and hold public hearings in Holyrood and Westminster on the effects of leaving the UK.
Overall, less than a third of respondents felt confident about knowing the effect of independence on issues including the English border, security arrangements in Scotland, taxes, currency and EU membership.
The poll was conducted in the name of our Scottish Future, a non-profit organization created by Mr Brown in 2019 which says it stands for the middle Scotland between hardline nationalism and muscular unionism.
About 1,000 Scots were questioned by the Stack Data Strategy between 7 and 8 May, with weighted responses to census figures for age, gender, level of education and votes cast in the Scottish Parliamentary elections, the group said.
Mr Brown said in a statement: “Middle East Scotland’s support for the SNP and independence is conditional and they are now asking the SNP for honesty, openness and getting the facts to the table.
It is time for the SNP to open the books.
I believe it is time for the SNP to agree to hold public hearings on what independence means for everything from pounds to pensions.
Respondents were asked: Do you believe that independence activists have provided enough information on what Scotland would be like if it became independent (eg: currency, taxation, legal rights, EU membership, border) that do you make a fully informed choice in an upcoming referendum?
A total of 58% said No, while 30% said Yes and the remaining 12% said they did not know.
And among those who strongly favor independence, 66% said they had enough facts, but 24% said they did not.
Mr Brown added: “When even a quarter of committed supporters of independence agree that we do not know enough to make an informed choice about independence, surely the responsibility is to clear the SNP?”
The poll also asked voters to identify their top three priorities.
Overall, NHS capture was more popular, followed by vaccine / vaccine reduction followed by job protection and generation.
Preparations for a second independence referendum were eighth on the list, fifth among SNP voters, and third among those identified as nationalists, the figures show.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has told Prime Minister Boris Johnson that a second vote on Scottish independence should be an issue when not, while Westminster SNP leader Ian Blackford said earlier this week that he now has a new commitment democratic to give the Scottish people the right to choose an independent future.
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