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Singapore warns children are susceptible to new types of coronavirus as schools prepare to close


Singapore has warned that new variants of the coronavirus, such as the first one discovered in India, are affecting more children than past species, as the city state prepares to close most schools by this week.

All primary, secondary and junior colleges will switch to full home tuition from Wednesday until the end of school on May 28th.

Some of these [virus]mutations are much more virulent and they seem to attack younger children, said Education Minister Chan Chun Sing.

None of the children who got the virus are seriously ill and some have mild symptoms, he added.

On Sunday (local time), Singapore confirmed 38 locally broadcast cases of COVID-19, the highest daily number since mid-September, with 17 currently unrelated. The cases involved four children associated with a group at a school.

The B1617 type, sometimes called the Indian double mutant variant, appears to affect children more, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said, quoting the director of the Ministry of Health, Kenneth Mak.

It was not clear how many children were affected by the type.

Singapore has reported more than 61,000 cases of the virus, most of it linked to outbreaks last year in foreign worker dormitories and 31 deaths.

On Sundays the new cases were the highest number of local infections outside dormitories in a year.

The rapid increase in the number of community cases requires us to significantly reduce our movements and interactions in the coming days, Mr Chan added.

The Asian shopping and financial center of 5.7 million people had until recently reported almost zero or one-day daily infections in the country for months.

Although Singapore’s daily cases are still only a fraction of the numbers reported among its Southeast Asian neighbors, infections have risen in recent weeks.

As of Sunday, the government enforced its toughest restrictions on rallies and public activities since the blockade last year.

Main points:

  • Singapore confirmed 38 cases broadcast locally COVID-19, the highest daily number since mid-September
  • Type B1617 seems to affect children more, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung
  • As of Sunday, the government enforced its toughest restrictions on rallies and public activities since the blockade last year

But the speed of the inoculation program in Singapore is being limited by the pace of vaccine supply arrivals. Experts have studied whether to give a dose of the vaccine and extend the interval between shots, Mr Ong said.

Over one-fifth of the country’s population has completed the two-dose vaccination regimen with Pfizerand Moderna. Authorities will invite people under the age of 45 to take shots from the second half of May.

Mr Chan said the government was also working on plans to vaccinate children under 16 after the approval of the regulator, which was being sought by Pfizer.


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