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Summary of national and international news – April 30, 2020 – Mimi Mefo Info



Most regions being affected, Cameroon now has 1,832 cases of coronavirus. With nearly a thousand cures already, the government says that more than 60 deaths have been recorded since the first case diagnosed in the country.

The Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie rejected the donations of Professor Maurice Kamto to help fight against the coronavirus in Cameroon according to the CRM part. Professor Maurice Kamto, president of the political party of the Movement for the Renaissance of Cameroon, today handed over 10,000 face masks, 6,800 special masks for doctors and 950 test kits, but the minister refused to accept this gesture. This is according to Christian Penda Ekoka, coordinator of the Cameroon Survival Survival initiative.

Several night clubs and bars in Douala were flooded by city dwellers. This happened only a few minutes after the government of Cameroon announced the withdrawal of the measure to close drinking establishments from 6 p.m. Although the government made the new decision conditional on strict respect for social distance and the compulsory wearing of face masks, several people could be seen without masks sitting less than a meter from each other in the clubs of the city, Thursday, April 30, 2020. There fear that this will increase the number of infections.

Residents of the Moungo Division – Coastal Region of Cameroon say that insecurity is at its peak in the region after the closure of schools, bars, restaurants and recreational facilities to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Their concerns were expressed to security officials at Loum, at the scene where a commercial cyclist was brutally murdered. The pilot, Kelvin, 24, is a student who rushed into the commercial motorcycle industry after the school was locked out.

The SDO of the Ndian division says that his division needs a thermal flash. For him, it is to control people at the borders with Nigeria and also calls on the authorities to send more medical personnel to the division. Forwang Lawrence was speaking recently in Mundemba at an assessment meeting in the fight against coronaviruses.

The president’s donations to help fight the coronavirus have arrived in Buea, the capital of the southwest region. Upon receiving the shipment, the Governor of the South West promised that the goods would reach all divisions and subdivisions in the region.

Dock workers in the port of Douala again protested against poor working conditions, their employers’ failure to respect contractual conditions and low wages. Hundreds of them took the second main route of entry into the seaport hostage, expressing their anger and frustration. Dockers also requested the departure of the National Coordinator of Cameroonian Dockers Services

Cameroon’s national borders remain closed despite the lifting of certain COVID-19 restrictions today. Among the nineteen measures read by Prime Minister Dion Ngute, nothing was mentioned on the reopening of the borders.

Some residents of Makepe Misoke held a peaceful demonstration today. They stand up against the forced eviction of their homes by wealthy individuals. The Douala V divisional officer who went to the scene called for calm while promising peaceful negotiations.

Some critics have described the Hon. Jean Jacques Ekindi as a politician in search of personal wealth and power. This follows his resignation from the Progressive Movement party which today joins the CPDM party. Hon. Ekindi says that as an opposition, his ideas were not taken into account. He resigned from a party he founded on August 23, 1991.

Working conditions in Cameroon remain deplorable. Some employers continue to abuse workers’ rights by not paying their monthly wages, no health care benefits and other benefits. As Cameroonian workers join others around the world in celebrating International Labor Day tomorrow, May 1, they are calling for improved working conditions. Note that there will be no public holiday in Cameroon.

Residents of the Kumbo-Bui division in the North West region say that insecurity and the coronavirus pandemic remain major threats to their health. Two people were injured yesterday as soldiers clashed with separatist fighters at the Mbve market.

Only six out of 15 companies that produce medicines are currently operating in Cameroon. This was revealed at a cabinet meeting in Yaoundé today. Prime Minister Dion Ngute, who chaired the meeting, stressed the need for a concerted effort against COVID-19.

A trader and a truck pusher were injured at the Mbveh – Kumbo market in the North West region of Cameroon. A witness said it happened yesterday when soldiers clashed with fighters from the Amazon. Kumbo remains one of the strongholds of separatist fighters in the English-speaking regions.

A Supermont truck driver and his assistant were injured today in the Mutengene-Sud-Ouest region when their truck hit cars parked by the roadside. No one else was injured in the accident.

Lawyer Nkongho Felix Agbor says he will not stop teaching at the University of Buea unless the school asks him to. Speaking after his suspension by the Minister of Higher Education – Fame Ndongo, lawyer Nkongho said the suspension was linked to a question he had asked about the Anglophone crisis and his condemnation of the violations of human rights by the government.

Human rights groups have once again defended calls for the release of three English-speaking students imprisoned in 2017 for sharing a joke on the terrorist group Boko Haram in the Far North. Calling for their immediate and unconditional release, Ilaria Allegrozzi, principal researcher for Human Rights Watch, tweeted, “Their lawyer appealed to the Supreme Court. This affair is not only sad, it is a scandal. They should be released immediately. ”

Reports from the Central African Republic indicate that at least 37 people were killed in an attack on the northern city of Ndele. Three rebel groups stormed the main market, then attacked other parts of the city, setting up a base in a Catholic church. United Nations peacekeepers and another militia, which previously controlled Ndele, failed to repel the attackers. Many rebel groups have operated in CAR since the overthrow of President François Bozizé seven years ago.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation praised South African anti-apartheid activist Denis Goldberg as a “true patriot” and a “pillar of the struggle”. Mr. Goldberg died Wednesday evening at the age of 87. His niece, Joy Noero, said he suffered from lung cancer. He was tried alongside Nelson Mandela and was imprisoned for 22 years. The Mandela Foundation said that Mr. Goldberg “was part of a generation of leaders who have deeply shaped the history of the country”. He quoted a line from Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, which mentioned Mr. Goldberg’s “irrepressible sense of humor” which “often made us laugh when we shouldn’t have been.”

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari appointed a dead man to power, appointing the late Tobias Chukwuemeka Okwuru to the board of directors of a government agency, two months after his death. Buhari sent a letter to the country’s Senate on Tuesday to confirm the list of the 37 appointees but was unaware that Okwuru died in February. President’s media assistant Lauretta Onochie said that Mr. Okwuru was alive when the president appointed him to the board and that he “even came to update his resume, in order of his appointment after the Senate screening. “

The tobacco industry in South Africa is preparing to take legal action in response to the government’s decision to maintain the ban on cigarette sales when the lockdown measures are relaxed on Friday. Last night, the government announced that more than 2,000 people had signed a petition asking the government not to lift the ban on tobacco products. The Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association, which is launching legal action against the government, said more than 270,000 South Africans have signed a petition against the ban on selling cigarettes. The petition began when smokers were notified one day of the ban before the lockout, which began at midnight March 26. They called this short notice unfair and mean.

Liberian health authorities have reportedly invited the National Security Agency to “screen” the phones of laboratory technicians because of the results of the coronavirus tests released to the public, reported independent OK-FM from Monrovia. Citing technicians, the station reported that action became necessary when news spread on social media that President George Weah had tested positive for the virus, information that the president’s office has since denied. Information about the status of Covid-19 presidents has spread after justice ministers and reports have tested positive for the virus. But President and CEO Nathaniel McGill called radio shows to say the president is in good health.

The charity Save the Children has warned that the Horn of Africa is facing an unprecedented triple threat as the region is hit by the coronavirus pandemic, locust swarms and floods. The organization says more than five million children under the age of five are already suffering from acute malnutrition and Covid-19 is now affecting the economy and health services. New swarms of locusts are expected in June and the rivers have been swollen by the recent heavy rains. Save the Children called for urgent international action to help Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia cope, saying the situation is completely overwhelming.

Kenyans online are outraged after the health department spent huge sums of money on tea, snacks and cellphone time for staff in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Some 4 million Kenyan shillings ($ 37,000; 30,000) were spent on tea and snacks, while 2 million Kenyan shillings were used for staff time, according to the budget of the ministry which been made public. This is part of a budget of 10 million Kenyan shillings for tea and snacks for an indefinite period and 6 million Kenyan shillings for airtime for three months. Other budget items include the rental of ambulances, stationary supplies and fuel.

There was an attempted escape to Sierra Leone after a recently arrived detainee developed symptoms of coronavirus. A guard was killed and several others injured in the Pademba Road prison riot in the capital, Freetown. The prison was set on fire. Pademba Road Prison can accommodate approximately 300 inmates, but currently houses over 1,000 inmates. Criminal courts have been suspended for a month to curb the spread of Covid-19 in jail. There have been 104 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Sierra Leone and four deaths.

(Foreign news: BBC)

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