More family care may help reduce the risk of suicide in men: studies
Sylvia Sarah Canet, a professor of psychology at Colorado State University who has spent years trying to understand the variability in suicide rates among women and men around the world, recently found that men have higher suicide rates than women. Was found to be generally high. , But not everywhere, this suggests a cultural influence.
The· Survey results Part of the study was published in the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. For research, Canet studied the patterns and implications of suicide based on culture.
He and his colleagues have completed this new study that provides insight into what contributes to male suicide vulnerabilities. This study tests Canet’s theory that male suicide mortality is associated with male private life behavior, especially low involvement in family care work-aspects of public life such as employment. It’s not just the adversity you might encounter in.
The theory of male suicide
According to Canet, many theories have been proposed to explain male suicide. Most people associate male suicide mortality with the stress and demands of male employment and the role of financial providers. These theories usually predict that male suicide rates will be higher when the roles of employment and economic providers are threatened.
From this perspective, a typical suicide prevention recommendation is to strengthen the role of male employment / financial providers, for example, through programs that protect or support employment. However, studies show that economic adversity, including male unemployment, does not fully explain the vulnerability of male suicide.
According to Canet, men are overinvesting in the work of financial providers and underinvesting in the work of family care. This is a pattern that leaves financial providers vulnerable when their jobs are threatened or lost.
Caring for a male family, unemployment, suicide
A multinational, interdisciplinary study published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology by Canetto, Ying-Yeh Chen, ZiYi Cai, Qingsong Chang, and Paul Yip provides evidence of the role of suicide prevention in men engaged in family care. I will. In their study, family care was defined as, for example, providing personal care or education to children and / or providing care to dependents.
Researchers investigated suicide, caring for male families, and unemployment in 20 countries, including the United States, Austria, Belgium, Canada, and Japan. Suicide rates were found to be low in countries where men reported more family care jobs.
In countries where men reported more such long-term care work, higher unemployment rates were not associated with higher suicide rates for men. In contrast, in countries where men reported less family care work, higher unemployment was associated with higher male suicide rates. By the way, the unemployment allowance did not reduce the suicide rate of men.
In summary, the results of this ecological study suggest that family care activities for men may protect men from suicide, especially in difficult economic conditions, Canet said.
“Our study incorporated a public health perspective, which investigated population-level social and economic factors that may drive population suicide patterns in different countries.” Canet said. “The findings show a new direction for suicide prevention.”
“Men seem to benefit from doing family care work from a suicide prevention perspective. Working with family care diversifies men’s sources of meaning and purpose, as well as social capital and networks. It will be a way to do it, “Canet said. Greater involvement in family care for men will also reduce the burden of imbalanced care for women and give children more resources.
The results of this study suggest incorporating support for involvement in family care activities into programs aimed at reducing suicide mortality in men. “This means extending beyond the dominant framework for male suicide prevention with a focus on employment support,” explained Canet. “It also means that more than treating suicide as a mere mental health problem, it can be solved by a mental health” treatment. ” “
Finally, Canet pointed out that the results of this study are consistent with those of other studies. In summary, they suggest that “having both family care and family financial responsibility contributes to the well-being, health and longevity of men and women, rather than the division of family work by gender.” ..
This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.
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