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The UK wants fully vaccinated ones to be exempt from Covid’s self-quarantine | Coronavirus


Those who receive both Covid-19 jabs may not need to self-quarantine for 10 days immediately after contact with a person infected with the virus.

Minister of Health, Matt HancockIs said to be promoting the replacement of self-quarantine with daily tests. This policy may come into effect shortly, subject to the approval of UK Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty, depending on the results of a study of 40,000 people. , Times reported.

Linda Bauld, a professor of public health at the University of Edinburgh, told Times Radio that the United States is already doing this.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its guidance shortly before, saying that people who received both vaccines … did not need to self-quarantine about 10-14 days after the second dose. Direction, “she said.

“As I’ve heard repeatedly from Chris Whitty and others, this virus never goes away.

“We need to live with it, [which] In other words, it can always be the contact of an infected person because it can become infected in the future. “

Bold added that there would be discussions about testing children on a regular basis rather than asking a large number of children to self-isolate.

She thinks abolishing 10 days of self-quarantine for fully vaccinated people is a government way to get out of providing adequate support to self-quarantine people. He said he was asked if.

Thursday After contact with the virus during the heyday of the pandemic in January and February this year, it was revealed that the government had restricted access to sick leave for self-isolated people.There is an e-mail indicating that the Treasury has instructed senior government officials to hide from the public that they may have access to sick leave in isolation due to a lesser-known provision of the furlough system.

Bold said: Is this one of the reasons why it doesn’t support self-quarantine? It could be part of it.

“As we move forward and learn to live with this virus, we will discuss whether we can provide regular examinations not only for adults who are actually around self-isolation, but also for school students. I think we have to realize that we need to. It replaces a large group of children who are at home and have no face-to-face education. Of course, it occurs quite often as the infection rate rises. It’s really disappointing and needs to be avoided. “

Bold emphasized that having both doses of the vaccine is “not a free pass to all” and called for a streamlined cross-country approach to the rules of international travel.

“In order to return to some sort of normal life, or to return to a more normal life than it is now, we need to make these changes because the vaccine protects it. That is, especially when traveling abroad. ..

“We need to have a common standard, as in the case of yellow fever. It really helps us to travel abroad in the future.”

Professor Adam Finn, who advises the government on a joint vaccination and vaccination committee, is “interesting” to abolish the 10-day self-quarantine of people who have two jabs and come into contact with people infected with the virus. Said it was a suggestion.

He told Times Radio: “Vaccines are very effective in preventing serious illness, especially after two doses, and reduce the chance of hospitalization by a factor of 20.

“We also know that it reduces the chances of getting a mild illness and infecting others, but it’s probably not as good at doing it as it is to prevent a serious illness, so it seems like a balance of risk. It is. “

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