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The user asks why I can’t get legitimate CBD oil from my GP because it “fixed me”


Steven Tyler says he benefits from taking CBD oil, but it's illegal because the GP doesn't prescribe him and the script is more than twice the price he can buy from the supplier. I am procuring.

Martin De Ruyter / Stuff

Steven Tyler says he benefits from taking CBD oil, but it’s illegal because the GP doesn’t prescribe him and the script is more than twice the price he can buy from the supplier. I am procuring.

Doctors have been able to prescribe CBD oil for over a year, but one man says access to cannabis products is still very difficult and forced to be obtained illegally-and he Is not alone.

Steve Taylor was diagnosed with encephalitis and brain inflammation at the age of 17, leading to epilepsy, he said.

“Previously, I had 7-9 seizures a day and no one could do anything to control the seizures.”

After that, I tried various medicines and specialists for many years. A trip to an American clinic gave him some amnesty after extreme treatment, including placing more than 100 wires in his brain and induced coma. However, a few years after returning to Aotearoa, seizures increased again.

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* “She was a zombie”-non-adaptive CBD transforms a 2-year-old with epilepsy
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* Who can get cannabidiol prescribed by a doctor-and when
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Zoe Reece is a young entrepreneur who started a medical cannabis business in Waikato after returning from the United States.

After years of research, Taylor discovered that CBD oil could help his condition, but while medical cannabis was legalized in New Zealand in April 2020, cannabidiol (CBD) from cannabis was obtained. ) He said it was impossible to get the product.

“I’ve been to a doctor, but he doesn’t prescribe CBD for me.”

He said that even if he could get a prescription, the cost of about $ 300 a month would be out of his reach.

The Ministry of Health said: Patient must have a prescription from a registered doctor In New Zealand, before supplying medical cannabis products, including CBD products.

He said Taylor was at a loss until he discovered that CBD oil was available without scripts for more than half the price of over-the-counter products.

“People who get CBD pay only $ 120 a month.

He said the oil, given as drops under the tongue several times a day, relieved seizures caused by stress, anxiety, and frustration.

“It gives me a better quality of life and I can actually relax. It fixed me. It fixed my life.”

He said the GP should pay attention to his experience.

“See what it does for you, why don’t you allow people to join CBD?”

But Nelson GP spokesman Graham Lavalridge says there is good reason for doctors to pay attention.

Green Fairy Rose Renton helps thousands of New Zealanders supply cannabis and hemp products that are inaccessible due to cost and hesitation in prescribing GP.


Green Fairy Rose Renton helps supply thousands of New Zealanders with inaccessible cannabis and hemp products due to cost and GP reluctance to prescribe.

He said the price is high due to the lack of quality evidence of the benefits of CBD and the fact that there is only one form of Medsafe Approval in New Zealand.

There are no rigorous controlled trials conducted on CBD oil, and he said most of the “so-called evidence” is anecdotal.

“It sounds terribly cautious, but for good reason. One of the principles of medicine is to be harmless at first.”

But Loveledge said he sometimes prescribed CBD.

“Some of those people felt that the profit was important enough to pay for the ongoing prescription. Others didn’t get enough profit, they couldn’t afford it, Or sourced it from an underground source. “

Nelson Resident Rose Renton A supplier that is part of the nation Green fairy group She said she produced products made from cannabis and hemp.

“We can’t have a hard time with the doctor [not prescribing] It’s not going to prescribe something they aren’t educated around. “

She said that “thousands” of people from all over the country ordered her products such as hemp drops, CBD drops, and root balms.

“They will be referred to doctors, professionals and chiropractors,” she said, coming from different parts of New Zealand, recommended by word of mouth and family.

Mark Taylor / Staff

Jason Tong is currently facing one accusation of possession of cannabis for supply and two accusations of supply of Class C controlled drugs.

According to Renton, people with a variety of symptoms, including nerves, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, menopause, and cancer patients, are taking medical cannabis with “amazing” results. It is said that it is.

She said CBD relieved nausea in chemotherapy patients and the THC quality of CBD oil stopped shaking in Parkinson’s patients.

“We are very busy and I think it itself indicates an urgent need.”

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