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A devastated mother loses two triplets within a few days due to a common virus


The mother opened her heart to the tragic loss of three triplets, just days apart.

Vicci Dunne received Cyrus IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment before the pandemic struck England.

It was the last attempt by her and her partner Paul to find another baby.

After both of them had a miscarriage, I really wanted a second child.

Despite the world’s pandemic, a 36-year-old woman from Widnes managed to arrive at the hospital and fly home with her three babies on a pregnant plane.

Speak exclusively Liverpool echo, Vitch said: “I knew I was pregnant because I could get a pregnancy test 10 days after IVF.

“When I went to the first scan in April 2020, my husband and son Alfie, 4, was still able to come.

“On the way, when I said to Paul that I was’tensed’, Alfie asked why. Paul said he had a butterfly on his stomach.

“When we entered, the sonographer said,’There is one, there is another, there is another,’ and Alfie asked,’Are you a butterfly?’ That’s what they said. That’s what I’ve always done. “

After a gender reception in June 2020, Vitch learned that she was expecting two girls and one boy (later named Heidi, Harriet, George) across the moon.

Recruiting Vitch was told in various scans that Heidi and Harriet weren’t growing and were “prepared for the worst.”

By almost 28 weeks, doctors were concerned about “fetal death” (baby death in utero), so Vitch had a Caesarean section with Harriet, £ 1 6 oz, George, £ 2 9 oz, and Heidi. I gave birth at 1 pound and 4 ounces.

The little baby was rushed away for professional treatment as Vitch himself underwent emergency surgery after bleeding.

She woke up vaguely and was immediately called into the room to see the team resurrecting Heidi.

Vitch Dan, husband Paul and baby George
Vitch Dan, husband Paul and baby George
(Image: Vicci Dunne)

Vitch said: “I hadn’t seen her yet, where she was resuscitated. It was completely surreal.

“I was crying in a full-blown panic, just stroking her leg and willing to not give in to her.

“The relief she felt when she was stable was overwhelming.”

However, Heidi needed special attention until heidi had water in his heart, confirmed Vitch’s worst fear, and was told that Heidi would not achieve it after heidi had bleeding in his brain.

She said, “At that time, memory making was everything. We gathered them all and took pictures, and then we were in another room hugging her and waiting for her to die.

“You are really just experiencing the movement.

“They put her in a cold bed and sometimes closed the door quietly so she wouldn’t wake her up, forgetting that she didn’t mean to wake up.”

Vitch’s heartache continued when Harriet was found infected and began to worsen.

She states: “Hariet’s lungs weren’t functioning properly, and when she received a blood transfusion, all of her numbers fell.

“It was very hard to see it all happen again.

“Paul and I felt very lonely. You are surrounded by nurses, but there is no family there. No one can imagine what you are experiencing.”

That’s when Willal Wings, a charity that helps people who have experienced child loss, intervenes.

Vitch said: “A friend contacted them and they sent this beautiful obstacle to the hospital. It was very nice and everything had a lot to do with what we experienced.

“I asked them if they could make a dress for Harriet and Heidi for a funeral from my wedding dress, and I was amazed at their talent.

“The complex details of removing the beads from my wedding dress and making a dress based on that design were incredible.

“I dressed the girls with the help of the funeral home, and we had butterflies and rainbows in their casket.

“The funeral was very hard. When someone passes by, it can be a very quiet and intimate moment, but the funeral has so many faces-it was the hardest day.”

Vitch now said it was important to help Willal Wings by talking to others who had lost their children and to continue talking after such a heartache.

She states: “The Willal Wing gives people the freedom to mourn by allowing you to share your loss and celebrate your children.

“I remember at the hospital, my mother died nine months after birth, and I just lost my baby, but I didn’t know what to say.

“You just have to talk-that’s it.

“Forget about making people uncomfortable and talk about it, it helps you share your baby’s life.

“And enjoy the moment without feeling guilty. It can’t eat you up.

Ex-post analysis revealed that Harriet and Heidi had all contracts Cytomegalovirus (CVM) In utero-A common virus that is usually harmless but can be fatal to people with a weakened immune system.

George spent the first three months in the hospital, and on the day he got home, Willal Wings decorated Vitch’s house to celebrate the milestone.

“There was a time when I never thought I would take him home. I was so nervous that I postponed the purchase of the baby carriage,” Vitch said.

Nine-month-old George is fine and is causing problems with his mother, Vitch, along with his brother Alfie.

Vitch added: “Alfie never met Harriet and Hiedy, but we always talk openly about them.

“We use the butterfly ideas he talked about in the first scan and how they flew to heaven.

“Alfie and George will be on fire like a house and cause a lot of problems, but there is no other way.”


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