Soi Dog Foundation Calls on US CDC to Amend Dog Import Ban
The Soi Dog Foundation is calling on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to rethink the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Total ban About the import of rescued pet dogs from more than 120 countries including Thailand. This ban follows growing concerns by the CDC about the invasion of unvaccinated dogs into the country.
In a letter to the CDC, MBE President John Dally of the Self-Defense Forces said: However, there is deep concern that the measures taking effect on July 14 will unfairly punish the import of dogs by the Self-Defense Forces and other reputable internationally recognized rescue organizations.
“All dogs imported into the United States by the Soy Dog Foundation come from the southern island states of Phuket and pose no risk to human and animal health in the United States. Phuket is recognized as a mad dog-free country. It is the first state in Thailand, “he added.
Total ban on overly strict dogs
Dally further stated from the official CDC announcement that the current problem was clearly caused by a malicious puppy dealer exporting very young puppies with fake documents for commercial purposes. I did. These documents claim that puppies are over 4 months old. This is the minimum age requirement for proper rabies vaccination.
As the organization that runs the world’s largest stray animal sterilization / vaccination program and is officially recognized by the Thai Ministry of Public Health for its efforts to eradicate rabies in Thailand, the Self-Defense Forces have established the severity of rabies and both animals. We fully understand the risks posed to. And human health.
The Soi Dog Foundation is fully compliant with the total ban on the import of adopted dogs due to its intact track record of importing healthy rabies-free dogs to various countries around the world for 18 years. We consider it overly demanding for a reputable organization. Beyond its own case – all current import requirements.
Therefore, the Soi Dog Foundation has urged the CDC to adopt the rabies titer testing requirements used in other countries to prevent the import of infected dogs. This is as effective as achieving the same goal.
Soy dog foundation hope
The requirement that animals perform a valid rabies titer test showing immunization against rabies from a CDC-approved laboratory and then wait three months for the animal to invade is 100% valid in the required countries. Has been proven to be. For example, the UK has been free of dog rabies for over a century.
This requirement also helps end the commercial exploitation of puppies. The completely non-profit SoiDog Foundation does not import puppies under 6 months of age. The majority of the dogs are adults and are saved from situations such as dog meat trade and extreme atrocities that Americans hate.
Sadly, the introduction of this ban will inadvertently encourage the CDC to continue trading dog and cat meat, which promotes the epidemic of rabies and other cruel practices that exist in Asia. I will. With time to fix the ban quickly, the Foundation hopes the CDC will act swiftly and return to a narrower approach with no losers.
As President of Soydog USA Janice Rosenthal Recently reminded us. “Suffering has no borders.”
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