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Guinea outbreak was declared only four months later


Key Point

  • The announcement was made just a few months after the outbreak began.
  • The CDC celebrated the announcement of the end of the outbreak
  • Authorities continue to monitor the possibility of a resurgence

The Republic of Guinea and the World Health Organization (WHO) have announced the end of the outbreak of Ebola in Nzerekore. Lessons from the last outbreak helped to get this done in just four months.

The outbreak in Guinea was first announced on February 14th at WHO. Said In the statement. The first case was detected in the rural area of ​​Gouécké in the southern part of Nzerékoré. There, the 2014-2016 outbreak also occurred first before it spread to nearby locations. at that time, Lethal outbreak 11,300 people died, mainly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The just-finished outbreak is said to be the first Ebola virus resurrection in the country since the outbreak in 2014-2016. By the end of the recent outbreak, there were a total of 16 confirmed cases and 7 possible cases. Of the patients, 11 survived and 12 died.

“This outbreak of Ebola occurred in the same region as West Africa, killing 11,000 people, but thanks to new innovations and lessons, Guinea was able to contain the virus in four months,” said WHO’s Africa region. Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, director, said. Said in a statement. “We are faster, better, and smarter in the fight against Ebola, but during the end of this outbreak, we remain vigilant for possible resurrections and Ebola’s expertise is COVID-19. We must ensure that it spreads to other health threats such as. “

In a tweet, Dr. Moetti also gave a heartfelt congratulations to the government and the people of Guinea for ending the outbreak.

As part of WHO’s efforts, it helped ship 24,000 Ebola vaccines and inoculated approximately 11,000 high-risk people, including 2,800 front-line workers. We also continue to monitor for possible recurrence of the disease.

In a statement, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) celebrate Announcement of the end of the outbreak.

“I commend the Guinean government and the first responders to end the country’s outbreak of Ebola,” said CDC Director Rochelle P. Warrensky, MD. “Our heartfelt sympathy lies with those who have lost their loved ones due to this disease. The CDC is a global preparation and response that can support survivor programs and prevent or eliminate future outbreaks of Ebola. We continue to work to help build our capabilities. “

Authorities also emphasized the need for further research to better understand the disease.For example, a recent outbreak Derived from survivors About the outbreak of Ebola from 2014 to 2016.

“Transmission of the virus by survivors more than 5 years after recovery underscores the need for research to better understand persistent Ebola virus infection and highlights the need for a strong and continuous survivor program. “There is,” said the CDC.

The end of the Guinea Ebola outbreak also occurred about a month later. DRC declared termination Of its own outbreak of Ebola.

Evola Guinea Children before to disinfect their feet after explaining in Forecariah, Guinea, on January 30, 2015, that Red Cross workers were not spraying the village with Ebola virus and spraying bleach. Come out to. Photo: Reuters / Mishal Hussain


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