For the first time, scientists can see how the brain records our memory when we sleep
But the exact way the brain saves our memory is not well understood.
“This study is interesting,” says Dr. Richard Isaxson, who leads the Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Clinic at Weil Cornell Medicine and the New York Presbyterian Hospital.
“Despite decades of research, it remains somewhat unclear how” short-term “memories will be removed, becoming” long-term “memories that will be remembered later.”
“Using the brain-computer interface is an exciting way to study memory because it records the activity patterns of brain cells and can later look for those exact patterns,” he said. I added.
Track individual neurons
Braingate uses brain signals to communicate computer cursors, robot arms, and their world to people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neurological disorders, brain damage, and extremity loss over the past 12 years. And other supporting equipment to control.
“The neurons are small. They are about 10 microns in size,” said computational neuroscientist and research author Beata Jarosiewitz. “Also, macro electrodes, such as deep brain stimulation electrodes that are approved for human use, are too large to record individual spike activity in each neuron.”
However, in Brainate, surgeons embedded a series of microelectrodes with sensory and motor paralysis in the upper part of their brains, allowing one to “think” about moving their hands in a certain direction. Decoders can translate thoughts into speech by mapping how neurons behave during thoughts, or movements through attached prostheses and auxiliary robotics.
“Different neurons have different priorities,” says Jarosiewicz, a research associate professor at BrainGate at the time of this study.
“Some people increase the rate of fire whenever they want to move their hands up, and some increase the rate of fire when they want to move it to the right or left,” she said. “And the pattern of activation across all neurons gives us the direction in which we want to move our hands.”
Simon says
In this study, two people with implanted devices were asked to take a nap, in which neuronal activity was recorded as a baseline. Each then played a sequence game modeled after an electronic game hit of the 1980s. Simon is required to repeat the same sequence of light moves that the player displayed in the game.
Of course, instead of moving their arms to track Simon, they used their minds to repeat the actions of the game while their neural activity was recorded. Finally, the two were asked to take a break and a nap.
Result is, Those naps Neuron activity was the same as recorded by the two subjects during the actual play of the game. In other words, their brain continued to play Simon after sleeping, reproducing the same level pattern at the neuron level in the brain.
“A full understanding of how memory is stored in the brain can help uncover the secrets of optimal cognitive function,” said Isaacson, trustee of the McKnight Brain Institute. Said.
Jarosiewicz said using such technology to study brain movements during sleep “is unprecedented.” “There are not many scenarios where a multi-electrode array is placed in the brain where the electrodes are small enough to detect firing activity of individual neurons.”
The procedure is clearly rare. In fact, Brosingate has ported only 12 devices in the history of the consortium’s activities, Jarosiewicz said.
“This supports the idea that people need to prioritize restful activities to optimize memory function and learning-most importantly enough sleep-our” engine “for best performance. To keep it running, “said Isaacson.
There are several home-monitoring devices, such as wrist-worn straps and rings, which claim to track the various sleep stages that are most important for memory consolidation, Isaxson said.
“Future research will help to identify which particular stages of sleep-deep sleep, REM sleep-memory regeneration occur most often,” he said.
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