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Young people answer the call for COVID-19 vaccination


Hundreds of young people joined the line at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in northern London, where jabs were served on the plate yesterday from 10 am to 6 pm. Past Tottenham stars such as Osvaldo Ardiles and Ledley King participated and supported. The Bristol and Merseyside stadiums were also one of the stadiums that began their activities after the social media pandemic.

The director of health thanked the people who came out before.

Sir Simon Stevens, Chief Executive Officer of the NHS Daily Express: “We need everyone’s help to protect the country. We are very grateful to the many young people who have come out before to get and book jabs. They We are helping our country by playing our part and being protected To save lives.

“If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, please accept your offer. If you know someone who hasn’t been vaccinated yet, encourage them to book a jab.

“The more people who are vaccinated, the safer we are all.”

“It’s great to see young people playing a role in the country’s efforts,” said Health Minister Matt Hancock.

According to the latest data, more than 42.9 million people in the UK receive initial doses, accounting for 81.6% of adults.

Approximately 31.3 million people are receiving the second dose, and nearly 3 out of 5 adults are taking it.

Vaccine reservations on Fridays and Saturdays do not include vaccination services led by general practitioners or reservations at walk-in centers. In other words, the actual number is even higher.

Sir Simon added that the program “will continue in earnest once the finish line is visible.”

He states: “It’s great to see so many young people play their part and come positively to protect themselves, friends and family.

“The NHS staff has taken every step to get jabs at shopping center pop-up sites and large-scale events at soccer stadiums, and is a huge service that currently offers over 62 million life-saving jabs. Has been added to the network. “

To reach as many young people as possible, the government is working with social media giants to provide additional features such as stickers and photo filters to support vaccine programs.

Hancock said: “We are pleased to work with Snapchat, Reddit, TikTok and YouTube to support the most successful vaccine efforts in NHS history.

“The vaccine program has taken us on the path to recovery. What I offer to everyone, roll up my sleeves and be as completely protected as possible from two doses Join a million people. “

Snapchat will also host a series of Q & A sessions with healthcare professionals on the Prime Minister’s account to build trust and address false information.

Reddit hosts a live “Ask Anything” event with experts at the Coronavirus Forum. TikTok provides a “Covid Vaccinated” sticker that users can share, helping scientists and doctors share information through video.

YouTube, in collaboration with the NHS, launched a campaign with the tagline “Let’s Not Go Back” to remind core viewers aged 18-34 of the importance of getting a jab. Oliver Dowden, a digital secretary, said:

“We have worked closely with social media platforms throughout the pandemic to promote life-saving vaccine information. This new initiative using a popular platform will help further drive adoption.

“We are also working on false information online through online safety legislation to prevent people from being attacked by harmful content.”

Vaccine Minister Nadym Zahawi said: “Vaccines are a way out of this pandemic, and so far, more than four in five adults have received at least one dose, and all adults have been invited to make incredible progress. It was.

“I encourage everyone to get a jab. It can prevent you from getting seriously ill and protect your loved ones.”

Yesterday, an additional 9,284 Covids were identified. This is less than the previous three days, but an increase of 24% compared to the previous Sunday. Six coronavirus deaths were reported, a slight decrease from eight a week ago.

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