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Covid: Children 16 and 17 years old are “provided with jabs before the new semester”


Teenagers aged 16 and 17 “are likely to be vaccinated in August” (Photo: PA | Reuters)

Children aged 16 and 17 are reportedly offered a Covid jab before returning to the new semester in September.

The move “is likely to be approved within a few weeks,” as the government wants to fully secure Britain’s freedom on July 19.

The vaccine was not provided to the teenage age group until August – just before they returned to the new semester Sun..

It is understood that the UK is well-supplied with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and will be able to provide all initial vaccinations for ages 16 and 17 by the end of August.

Whitehole sources said: ‘With the approval of the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization, we have the ability and willingness to advance to this important age group.

“Late teens are some of the most socially active members of society, so it would only be good if we could reduce that transmission.”

Pfizer Jab is used in the United States between the ages of 12 and 15 after scientists discovered it 100% effective in this age group..

However, the British minister is reportedly hoping to see more information from actual safety data and trials before making a decision.

Many young people are at risk of rejecting the vaccine, and the World Health Organization revealed in November 2020 that experts were “really concerned” about this outlook.

Young women are vaccinated with the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium Mass Vaccination Center for 18+ (Photo: Reuters)
Thousands of young people are lining up for hours to get a jab, even though they’re worried they won’t be there (Photo: Reuters).

However, new data suggest that there is great enthusiasm among adolescents to get vaccinated and return to normal.

According to new data, more than one million vaccine reservations have been booked in the two days since the NHS began offering COVID-19 jabs to everyone over the age of 18 in the United Kingdom. This averages over 21,000 per hour and 6 per second.

These numbers can be higher as they do not include people who are booking for a local practitioner-led vaccination service or getting a jab at a walk-in center.

Snapchat, YouTube, TikTok and Reddit have joined a new campaign to encourage more young people to get jabs via social media.

Thousands of people lined up To London To take their first dose on Sunday – not hindered by anti-vaxxers protesting outside.

Dr. Susan Hopkins of the UK Public Health Services yesterday hopes that 70% of adults will be fully vaccinated by July 19 in time for the planned relaxation of all rules on social contact. Said.

But a health expert said she said Did not eliminate more blockages In the coming winter.

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