Benefits of deep breathing and meditation for diabetics
- International Day of Yoga will be held on June 21st
- Yoga Day promotes the benefits of yoga for overall health
- Deep breathing and meditation are beneficial for diabetics
The prevalence of diabetes is rising rapidly worldwide, and even in India. In fact, type 2 diabetes is currently at an epidemic rate. Poor lifestyles are known to contribute to the increase in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Conversely, lifestyle changes can reduce the burden of these non-communicable diseases in general, especially diabetes.
International Day of Yoga 2021: Control Diabetes with Yoga and Meditation
The effects of a healthy diet with reduced carbohydrate intake and increased intake of green leafy vegetables, plants, proteins, and healthy fats, and the role of physical activity in the prevention and management of diabetes are well established. I will. However, the effects of other lifestyle changes, especially yoga, pranayama and meditation, are less well known. At least in a subset of people with type 2 diabetes, stress plays a very important role in its cause and out of control of diabetes in people who already have diabetes. There is another entity called “stress-induced diabetes”.
It is well known that stress, anxiety and depression are associated with diabetes. Indeed, depression has a two-way relationship with diabetes. Therefore, depression can cause diabetes, Diabetes It can cause depression. It is here that the roles of yoga, pranayama and meditation play a major role. There are certain yoga sana that are believed to help manage and prevent diabetes. Deep breathing and meditation are also very useful, but little research has been done on the control of diabetes.
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It is worth emphasizing the benefits of deep breathing, pranayama and meditation. Taking a deep breath leads to a state of deep relaxation. Eliminates the stress that tends to build up in your muscles, especially your neck and shoulders, and relaxes and rejuvenates. A happy hormone known as “endorphin” is released not only during meditation but also during deep breathing. Regular practice of pranayama and meditation reduces levels of reverse-regulatory hormones such as adrenaline, non-adrenaline, and cortisol that block the action of insulin. This makes it easier to manage diabetes.
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Spending 10 to 15 minutes a day on deep breathing exercises can be beneficial not only in controlling diabetes, but also in lowering blood pressure and preventing heart disease. In addition, you will find that you are not very excited, calm and stress-free. Therefore, during International Day of Yoga, everyone with diabetes should practice pranayama and deep breathing and make it a part of their daily lives. You need to try it and see beneficial effects on both your body and your mind.
(Dr. V Mohan is responsible for the MDRF-Hinduja Foundation T1D Program and is also Chairman and Dean of the Department of Diabetes at Dr. Mohan’s Center for Diabetes and the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation in Chennai, India.)
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