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Studies have found that fertility drugs used in in vitro fertilization do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer in women.


Studies have shown that the drugs used by fertility drugs to release eggs do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

Researchers at King’s College London analyzed a study of 1.8 million women receiving fertility drug treatment.

Women with no history of breast cancer were followed up in an average of 27 years of study.

Researchers found that there was “no significant increase” in the risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who were not taking the drug.

The study is the largest study to date to assess whether commonly used fertility drugs are at risk for cancer in women, the researchers say.

The photo shows a syringe and needle for injecting the fertility drug gonadotropin. The King’s College London team found that the use of gonadotropins or clomiphene citrate alone or in combination did not significantly increase the risk of breast cancer.

“Treatment for childbirth can be an emotional experience,” said Dr. Yusuf BB Joan, a research author at King’s College London.

“Patients often ask if taking ovarian stimulants increases their risk of developing cancer, including breast cancer.

“To answer that important clinical question, we conducted this review, reporting data from nearly 2 million people.”

Since the early 1960s, fertility drugs that stimulate the ovaries to release eggs have been used to treat infertility.

All women who participated in the study used two fertility drugs, or a combination of both clomiphene and gonadotropin.

Both types of drugs are sold worldwide under different brand names.

Gonadotropins are hormones that can be given by injection to stimulate the female ovaries to produce follicles containing oocytes (eggs).

Researchers have addressed the link between the use of ovarian stimulants (pictured in stock images) and the risk of developing breast cancer.

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technique that helps people with childbirth problems give birth to babies.

This is the process by which sperm fertilize an egg outside the body.

During in vitro fertilization, the egg is removed from the female ovary and fertilized with sperm in the laboratory.

A fertilized egg, called an embryo, is then returned to the female uterus for growth.

It can be done with your egg and your partner’s sperm, or with an egg and sperm from a donor.

Source: NHS

A synthetic chemical that is taken orally, clomiphene binds to estrogen receptors in the brain and increases levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a type of gonadotropin itself.

Both clomiphene and gonadotropin are used as part of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment to stimulate the ovaries.

IVF involves stimulating the patient’s ovarian cycle, extracting eggs from the ovaries, fertilizing sperm in the laboratory, and then transferring the embryos to the uterus for development.

“IVF is a process, but ovarian stimulation is the first and most important part of the process,” Dr. Beebeejaun told MailOnline.

“The drug use considered in this review is the drug that women use to stimulate the ovaries and lay more eggs.

“These eggs are then collected, fertilized and embryos are transplanted as part of the overall IVF process.”

The problem is that the drugs used to stimulate the ovaries increase the production of estrogen hormones and can act on breast cells.

There is concern that this can cause cells to become cancerous, leading to uncertainty about the potential risk of fertility drugs causing breast cancer.

A researcher’s review published today in the journal Fertility and Sterility examined studies from 1990 to January 2020.

Women of all reproductive ages were included and followed for an average of 27 years after childbirth treatment.

The researchers found no significant increase in breast cancer risk in treated women compared to untreated women.

Clomid, also known as clomiphene citrate, is an oral fertility drug

The use of clomiphene citrate or gonadotropin alone or in combination did not significantly increase the risk of breast cancer.

Dr. Shesh Sunkara, lead author of the King’s College London treatise, said:

“This study provides the evidence needed to reassure women and couples seeking fertility treatment.”

Dr. Kotryna Temcinaite of Breast Cancer Now, a British charity, calls for further research into what factors are involved in the risk of developing breast cancer.

“Previously, it was unclear whether fertility drugs affect the risk of breast cancer. A woman who is worried that breast cancer may have been caused by treatment for breast cancer has called the helpline.” Said Dr. Temshinite, who was not involved in the new study. ..

“This analysis of existing published studies provides a welcome reassurance that fertility treatments are unlikely to increase the risk of breast cancer, but to confirm these findings in the longer term. Detailed research is needed. ”

How does IVF work?

In vitro fertilization, known as IVF, is a medical procedure that inserts an already fertilized egg into the uterus for a woman to become pregnant.

It is used when a couple cannot get pregnant naturally, sperm and eggs are removed from the body, combined in the laboratory, and then the embryo is inserted into a woman.

Once the embryo enters the uterus, pregnancy should continue normally.

The procedure can be done using eggs and sperm from a couple or donor.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines recommend providing IVF with NHS to women under the age of 43 who are trying to become pregnant with normal unprotected sex for two years.

In vitro fertilization costs an average of £ 3,348 per cycle, according to figures released in January 2018, and there is no guarantee of success.

According to the NHS, the success rate for women under the age of 35 is about 29%, and the chances of a successful cycle diminish with age.

It is estimated that IVF has given birth to about 8 million babies since the birth of the British woman Louise Brown in 1978.

Chance of success

The success rate of IVF depends on the age of the woman being treated and the cause of infertility (if known).

Young women are more likely to succeed in pregnancy.

IVF is usually not recommended for women over the age of 42, as pregnancy is considered unlikely to be successful.

The percentage of IVF treatments that led to childbirth between 2014 and 2016 is:

29% of women under 35

23% of women aged 35-37

15% for women aged 38-39

9% for women aged 40-42

3% for women aged 43-44

2% of women over 44

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