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COVID-19 survivors in the Seattle area can now donate plasma that may treat the virus


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Only a few weeks ago, the Seattle Plasma Donation Center opened the door to accept donations from people who recovered from the new coronavirus.

A global healthcare company with a track record of more than 100 years, recognized as the leader in the development and manufacture of plasma-derived medicines, Grifols identifies, screens and selects volunteer donors who recover plasma from their donations. Officially started. At the Grifols Biomat USA Center in the Seattle area, among other selected US cities such as Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, San Antonio, San Diego.

Donated plasma is used to produce hyperimmunoglobulin that could potentially cure the disease if proven effective. This initiative is the result of collaboration between Grifols, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US Advanced Institute for Biomedical Research (BARDA), and other federal health agencies.

Hyperimmunoglobulin is a plasma-derived drug that is effective in treating serious acute infections such as the novel coronavirus. Due to the concentration of antibodies from plasma collected from recovered COVID-19 individuals, hyperimmune globulin is highly pure, potent, and potent that can help the current patient’s immune system respond to infections. Provide accurate and consistent dosing with a unique safety profile.

Grifols offers decades of experience in partnering with thousands of regular plasma donors across the country through a network of more than 250 FDA-certified centers dedicated to plasma collection.

“For individuals who have recovered from COVID-19, donating plasma at one of Grifols’ donor centers to provide potential treatment for the disease is a way to help make a difference at this exceptional time.” Said Marilyn Rosa Bray. , Grifols Chief Medical Officer and Vice President, Quality, Regulatory Compliance and Laboratories. “This hyperimmune globulin provides physicians with a predictable and consistent dose of antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19.”

The resulting anti-SARS-CoV-2 hyperimmune globulin has undergone a comparative clinical trial with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to evaluate the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 as a viable treatment. I will.

Individuals of COVID-19 who are interested in recovery should call 1-866-END-CV19. A trained Grifols specialist will pre-screen potential donors and direct them to your local Grifols Plasma Donor Center.

Donors of interest make a diagnosis with a test (nasal swab or blood) and resolve COVID-19 symptoms completely at least 28 days before donation or at least 14 days before donation, the molecular The test must be negative. In addition to COVID-19, it meets the usual eligibility criteria for regular source plasma donations. Please look at the details

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