Coffee Can Rejuvenate Your Liver-Consumer Health News
Tuesday, June 22, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Do you want to improve your liver? Pour another cup into Joe.
British researchers report that all types of coffee can reduce the risk of chronic liver disease.
According to researchers, whether the impact of Java is decaffeinated or decaffeinated, on the ground or in the moment, there is no difference in the apparent force to prevent all types of liver disease.
“All types of coffee seem to prevent severe liver disease,” said Dr. Paul Roderick, a senior researcher at the University of Southampton’s professor of public health. “But for liver health reasons, more research is needed to encourage the general public to start drinking or increase the amount of coffee.”
He emphasized that this study does not prove that coffee prevents liver disease, only that it appears to be relevant.
“Because of the causal link between coffee and liver disease, care must be taken when extrapolating from observational studies,” Roderick said. “Other attributes of coffee drinkers may be related to the risk of liver disease, and we may not consider these.”
However, he said the study adds evidence that coffee is protective despite the different types of different chemical compositions.
What is not known is which component of coffee protects the liver.
“Coffee is a complex substance and I don’t want to over-guess about different mechanisms,” Roderick said.
He said it was not clear whether coffee would prevent liver damage in the first place or progress to a more serious form.
“Given the global liver disease, this is an important area for research,” Roderick added.
The incidence of liver disease is steadily increasing, with an estimated 2 million deaths worldwide annually. Journal of Hepatology..
In this unfunded study from the coffee industry, Roderick’s team used UK Biobank data from about 500,000 people with “known coffee consumption,” followed by a median of about 11 years. The median means that half was tracked longer and half was tracked shorter.
78% drank ground coffee or instant decaffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, and 22% did not drink coffee at all.
During the study period, 3,600 people developed chronic liver disease and 301 died.
More than 5,400 participants developed liver fat accumulation known as chronic liver disease or fatty liver disease, and more than 180 developed liver cancer.
Compared to those who did not drink coffee, those who drank coffee had a 21% lower risk of chronic liver disease and a 20% lower risk of chronic or fatty liver disease. The researchers found that the risk of dying from chronic liver disease was reduced by 49%.
The biggest benefit was seen among lovers of ground coffee, which contains high levels of Kahweol and Cafestol, which are natural compounds from coffee beans. Both have been shown to protect animals from chronic liver disease. However, instant coffee with low levels of kahweol and cafestol also reduced the risk of chronic liver disease, suggesting that there may be complex relationships between the various components of coffee. I have.
Dr. David Bernstein, director of the Sandra Atlas Bath Center for River Diseases in Northwell Health, Manhasset, New York, said several studies found coffee to be good for the liver.
“But this is the first study to show that decaffeinated and decaffeinated coffee drinkers were effective and that ground coffee had a greater benefit than instant coffee,” he said. Told.
The UK authors said coffee was readily available and these findings suggest that coffee may be a potential preventative treatment for chronic liver disease.
“I agree,” Bernstein said. “There are some limitations to this study, but its discovery is important and requires further research on coffee as a hepatoprotective agent, but doctors probably recommend its use in patients at risk for chronic liver disease. It’s time to consider doing. “
The findings were published online in the journal on June 21st. BMC public heelth.
For more information
What to see for more information on coffee and health Harvard University Offer.
Source: Paul Roderick, MBBS, MD, Professor, Public Health, Southampton University, UK. Dr. David Byrnestein, MD, Dean and Director of Hepatology at Sandra Atlas Bath Center for River Devices in Northwell Health, Manhasset, NY. BMC Public Health, June 21, 2021, online
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