Hospital waiting list fears winter flu outbreaks and Covid’s pandemic “perfect storm”
Hospital waiting lists fear that winter flu outbreaks and Covid’s pandemic “complete storm” could compromise service
- About 78% of UK hospital trust leaders are worried about the flu season
- They said squeezing depends on the amount of influenza and covid circulating.
- Nearly nine out of ten said another surge in Covid was likely to put pressure on them.
The flu and Covid’s “perfect storm” this winter could ruin plans to work on a record waiting list, health directors warn.
Approximately 78% of UK hospital trust leaders are extremely or moderately concerned about the operational pressures they face.
They said the compressions depended on the amount of influenza and covid circulating, and they have already seen an increase in demand for emergency and emergency treatment.
Nearly 9 out of 10 people Coronavirus The case will bring extra pressure, 113 confidence investigations NHS The provider was found.
Approximately 78% of UK hospital trust leaders are extremely or moderately concerned about the operational pressures they face.
Boris Johnson said on Monday that Britain could face a “harsh winter.” Health Minister Matt Hancock also promised an important impetus for influenza vaccination this winter, as experts predict bad seasons for influenza following blockade restrictions and reduced mixes.
One of the Chief Operating Officers of the Southeastern Community Trust told NHS providers:
Three-quarters of respondents to the survey are very or moderately concerned about discontinuing clearing the NHS backlog for treatment because they need to prioritize A & E with Covid-19 patients. Said.
The study found that leaders in mental health and acute trust agreed that the demand for mental health services had already exceeded capacity.
Almost half said they saw evidence that staff had left the organization due to early retirement, Covid-19 burnout, or other effects of working in a pandemic.
An additional 42% said they had never seen this, and 10% did not know.
Health Minister Matt Hancock also promised to significantly increase flu shots this winter as experts predict bad seasons for flu following blockade restrictions and reduced mixes.
Saffron Cordery, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of NHS Provider, said:
“They are fighting in many ways as they try to restore their care backlog, address the growing demand for emergency care, and treat patients with Covid-19.
“This is difficult at its best, but as we saw last year, it can be even more difficult during the harsh winter, especially as the flu is expected to recur and the respiratory virus in children is expected to increase. There is sex.
“The Trust is working to clear the backlog of care that has accumulated during the pandemic.
“I’m convinced that the vaccine is breaking the chain of infection and hospitalization, but the reality at the forefront is that even a slight increase in Covid-19 hospitalization and emergency care pressure will provide non-Covid services. It can affect the ability to do so. ”She called for action from the government, including short-term financing,“ so that the trust can direct it to the services that need it most. ”
She also said she needed funding to improve patient discharge and proper winter planning to minimize risk.
“We know that the NHS is facing a complete storm of Covid-19, influenza and other respiratory illnesses, and that the untreated portion of care is increasing,” she added. .. “We have to act now.”
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