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Cardiac inflammation in young adults after COVID-19 vaccination is rare, CDC saysExBulletin


This month, teens will enter the pop-up COVID-19 vaccine site in the Jackson Heights district of Queens, New York City.

Scott Hines / Getty Images

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Scott Hines / Getty Images

This month, teens will enter the pop-up COVID-19 vaccine site in the Jackson Heights district of Queens, New York City.

Scott Hines / Getty Images

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 323 cases of heart inflammation have been identified People who received the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis are predominantly found in teens and young adults aged 12-39 years, predominantly after the second vaccination. Symptoms include chest pain and pressure, abnormal electrocardiograms, and blood test results.

According to the CDC, most people who experience this side effect have recovered from their symptoms and are on track. Of the 323 cases, 295 were discharged, 9 were hospitalized as of last week, and 14 were not hospitalized at all. The result data for 5 cases was missing. There are no deaths associated with this side effect.

CDC says there Several cases of carditis have been reported After vaccination from Johnson & Johnson Vaccine to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. However, not as many as the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

The number of cases hasn’t increased much since last week when CDC director Rochelle Walensky told reporters at a White House briefing that he knew more than 300 cases.

Authorities say side effects are very rare

According to the CDC, the findings do not change the basic recommendation that everyone over the age of 12 should be vaccinated with either the Pfizer vaccine or the Moderna vaccine. However, if you develop myocarditis after the first dose, you should delay the second dose until the condition is completely resolved and the heart returns to normal.

“The facts are clear. This is a very rare side effect and only a very small number of people experience it after vaccination,” officials said in a statement. “Importantly, for young people who do so, it is almost always mild and individuals often recover on their own or with minimal treatment. In addition, myocarditis and pericarditis are much more common. We know When infected with COVID-19, And the risk to the heart from COVID-19 infection can be more serious. ”

Dr. Doran Fink, a representative of the Food and Drug Administration who attended the meeting, said he would add a warning to the vaccine fact sheet to reflect the risk of this rare complication.

Naturally occurring heart inflammation is rare, but occasionally occurs in teens and young adults. The rates seen after these vaccinations are slightly higher than expected at these ages, raising concerns.

The data is presented at a meeting of expert advisors convened by the CDC, which is effectively held on Wednesday and is open to the public.

Teens will receive a vaccination card after receiving their first Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at the Weingart East Los Angeles YMCA Mobile Clinic in Los Angeles last month.

Patrick T. Fallon / AFP via Getty Images

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Patrick T. Fallon / AFP via Getty Images

Teens will receive a vaccination card after receiving their first Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at the Weingart East Los Angeles YMCA Mobile Clinic in Los Angeles last month.

Patrick T. Fallon / AFP via Getty Images

Authorities are also watching booster shots

This group is also considering booster dose issues. Authorities will recommend booster immunization only after seeing evidence that a significant number of vaccinated people have begun to infect, according to a report from the CDC submitted to the panel of experts. Authorities do not rely solely on antibody reduction.

The Immunization Implementation Advisory Board issues recommendations on the use and schedule of all vaccines approved and approved in the United States. We did not plan to vote on Wednesday’s recommendations for the use of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

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