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The largest medical union in the United States says it opposes the COVID vaccine required for workers


The country’s largest medical union has opposed the hospital’s COVID-19 vaccine obligation and said it plans to set up a confrontation between workers and their employers nationwide.

Earlier this month, NewYork-Presbyterian became the first hospital in the state and one of the first hospitals in the country to require all employees to be vaccinated to continue working.

The majority of employees, 70%, are vaccinated and workers must apply for a medical or religious exemption by August 1.

However, 1199SEIU, a union with more than 450,000 members Florida, Maryland Massachusetts, New jersey, New York, Washington, DCRepresents hospital workers and plans to fight missions on behalf of its members.

The union recommends vaccinations to its members, but authorities say they oppose the need for vaccines.

In December, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled that employers were allowed to require their staff to be vaccinated.

1199SEIU, the country's largest union of health care workers on behalf of NewYork-Presbyterian employees, plans to oppose the mandatory vaccine.

1199SEIU, the country’s largest union of health care workers on behalf of NewYork-Presbyterian employees, plans to oppose the mandatory vaccine.

“We do not agree with the COVID-19 vaccine obligation,” said George Gresham, President of 1199 SEIU. statement Early this month.

“The hard-handed approach doesn’t work and only creates greater frustration for healthcare heroes who have fought this pandemic every day for the past 15 months.

“We agree that vaccination is an important tool to help us move forward, but mandating vaccination is not the answer and will never be.”

Gresham, who vaccinated himself, said his union plans to fight the mission.

“Whether there is a legal challenge we can do, or whether it’s just a systematic challenge we can do, we’re just not going to give in.” He said Gotamist..

1199SEIU did not respond to the comment request.

The New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) has also expressed opposition to the mandatory vaccine.

NYSNA states on its website that it supports vaccines, but believes that nurses have the right to make some appointments.

“The general public has legitimate concerns about the safety, efficacy, and efficacy of vaccines developed and processed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), especially those developed at” Warp Speed. ” It states. statement..

All available COVID-19 vaccines have an emergency use authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but not a full authorization.

NewYork-The New York City Presbyterian Hospital requires all employees to receive at least one COVID-19 vaccination by September 1st to continue working.

NewYork-The New York City Presbyterian Hospital requires all employees to receive at least one COVID-19 vaccination by September 1st to continue working.

The FDA has issued a form of temporary approval that lasts only while the country is in a virus-related emergency. This is scheduled to end in March 2022.

All vaccines are believed to be completely safe, but vaccines cannot be fully approved until years of clinical data are available.

NewYork-Presbyterian has given all employees by September 1st to receive at least the first injection of the COVID-19 vaccine to continue working.

“There is a great deal of interest in this issue, and vaccination with COVID-19 is the most important and responsible action that can be taken as a NYP team member for the safety and well-being of patients, visitors and communities. Is clear, and ourselves, “the hospital leader wrote in a note to the staff obtained by the Gotamist.

The hospital requires all staff to be vaccinated against influenza, measles, rubella and chickenpox.

The Houston Methodist became the first hospital to enact employee vaccine obligations earlier this year. More than 150 employees were dismissed earlier this week due to lack of vaccination

The Houston Methodist became the first hospital to enact employee vaccine obligations earlier this year. More than 150 employees were dismissed earlier this week due to lack of vaccination

NewYork-Presbyterian is not the first hospital to issue a vaccine obligation.

The Houston Methodist Hospital became the first major hospital system in the country to issue vaccination obligations when all employees were allowed full vaccination by June 6.

Just before the deadline, 117 employees He joined the proceedings, sued the hospital and removed the mandate.

The proceeding was dismissed, 153 employees Ended or resigned earlier this week.

Dozens of other hospitals have followed suit, including states where 1199 SEIU represents many healthcare professionals, including Maryland, Florida, and Washington, DC, setting the stage for a national duty battle. I will.


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