30% of Americans plan to refuse the coronavirus vaccine, the rest say they will take it if they think they are safe: a survey
A safe and effective coronavirus vaccine is the best hope for ending this pandemic, but the study reveals that more than 30% of Americans say they are not vaccinated.
According to a study by technology spokeswoman Bospar, some vaccine skeptics refuse to argue, even when faced with a virus that grows stronger over the course of the day. According to Johns Hopkins University, the United States leads the world in case numbers, with more than 1.2 million infections and more than 71,000 deaths.
Studies show that people aged 18 to 24 were least likely to be shot. “Young people have the false sense that they are invincible, but older people are not only worried about it through news reports, but they also know about mortality by living longer,” Bosper said. Curtis Sparrer, the principal, said
Polls have further shown that men are more likely to choose a vaccine than women. On the political front, Democrats were 16% more likely than Republicans.
A public relations company reached these discoveries after examining the responses from more than 1,000 adults who completed a questionnaire between April 28 and 29.
These results occur when countries are competing for vaccine development, as they may determine when life can return to normal. US President Donald Trump to be confident We plan to develop it by the end of the year.
Some Americans are concerned about vaccine safety
Other estimates point out that 20-40% of Americans reserve vaccine safety. Many experts fear that if enough people are not vaccinated, they may lose the chance of killing the virus. It is estimated that 50-70% of Americans need to develop immunity to Covid-19, either naturally or through vaccines, to fight the virus.
“If these estimates are correct, it could mean that nearly twice as many Americans as are currently choosing to vaccinate against seasonal flu should choose to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.” Yes, even in the midst of the historically severe influenza season in 2018, where only 37% of American adults did it in 2017. ” conversation.
“If most of these individuals refrain from receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, they could jeopardize the recovery process,” they added.
It’s misinformation that makes matters worse. According to these researchers, prominent anti-vaccine websites are beginning to disseminate false information about the Covid-19 vaccine.
More willing to be vaccinated if proven safe
Another survey conducted in a Reuters / Ipsos poll found that nearly 75% of Americans were willing to accept the vaccine if they were guaranteed to be safe, and another 9% would be vaccinated as soon as it was available. Will be vaccinated.
Participants in the survey said they would feel more comfortable if the study showed they would work. About 40% of them wait for a vaccine approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, and 38% get a vaccine after a large peer-reviewed clinical trial.
About 6% said they were ready to get the coronavirus vaccine after a friend or family member tried it. If Trump favors, the same percentage of people will try it. About 89% of participants will opt for US-made vaccines.
“Vaccines will be an important tool because we don’t think the virus will go away,” said Arthur Raingold, director of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health. Reuters.
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